
3.8K 90 12

relationship: lovers/vampire!reader
word count: 2k
published: 04.15.20

the soft pitter-patter of rain against the glazed window and the melancholic harmonizations of piano keys brought bitterness and somber to the ears of y/n. his eyes held a regretful gaze as he held the hand of his bedridden lover. the steady, yet drowning beeping brought tears to the older's eyes.

he blinked, swallowing ruggedly; the tear slipped out of his eye, gliding down his silky skin. his eyes widened and a shaky breath left his lips when a trembling hand reached up to swipe at the tear on his cheek.


the older's heart shattered as he looked at seonghwa, the younger's eyes ridden with an unreadable emotion. "hwa."

seonghwa let his hand slip out of y/n's, moving it to cup his face. "is it really you? you look the same, just like in..." seonghwa's eyebrows sagged, memory fogged. "what year was it?"

y/n sniffed, a choked chuckle softly flowing through the air as he placed his hands on top of seonghwa's, gently squeezing them. "1960."


the streets of chicago were bustling, buggies honking and smoke invading the bright blue sky as seonghwa stared in awe. he was able to come to america, seizing the opportunity to study abroad. he knew little english, taking note of what the american soldiers back home had taught him.

he took a step off the train, pulling the brim of his hat down, the wind fluttering its edges. he gripped his suitcase tightly before taking a step forward, ready to explore the city. his shoulder was roughly shoved, suitcase torn from his grip. he stood in shock for a moment, before he looked in the direction of the person running, realizing what had happened; he'd been robbed.

he looked around for help, not knowing what to do. when gazes met his but turned away, he went to run after the culprit but stopped when a person that was in front of him ran off in the same direction, a voice echoing after, "hey, stop!"

seonghwa stood in confusion, wondering what was going on. he ignored the murmurs of the bystanders, bending down to pick up the leather wallet that was lying on the ground, mistaking it as his own. he dug his hand in his trench coat pocket, only to feel his wallet was still in his pocket.

his eyebrows furrowed, hands pulling the wallet apart and inspecting the id card. the image showed a man, the photo black and white. his eyes skimmed over the card, locating the name. "y/n l/n." he looked through the wallet, trying to find any other source of information, so he could return it, but all he found was bills, lots of them. he even found the currency of his country, korea.

he heard a whistle, prompting him to close the wallet and look up. there stood y/n, seonghwa's suitcase in his hand.


"hyung, where are you taking me?" seonghwa laughed as he stumbled out of the bar, his burning face being met with the cool air of the night.

y/n looked back at him and smiled, finding the sight of a tipsy seonghwa adorable; his red cheeks and glazed eyes made him look lovely. "somewhere where the night is beautiful."

seonghwa looked down, eyes focusing on the way his hand fit perfectly into y/n's; it felt familiar, nostalgic, as if they'd held hands many times before.

seonghwa broke out of his trance when y/n tugged his shirt. "hop in, let's look at the sky!"

seonghwa and y/n sat in the bed of y/n's pickup truck, arms behind their heads and gazes aimed at the night sky, observing the bright stars. "this is really beautiful. this is one of my favorite things to do—watch the stars and reflect."

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