Chapter thirteen: Adrian

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     I left the house late that night and when i went back home, my dad was mad and my mom was worried. it's weird to see them like this instead of arguing. i was honestly kind of freaked out and scared because i've never seen this before. i went up to my mom since my dad was angry and i don't want to talk to him when he's like that.
     i approached my mom cautiously and asked her "hey.. what's wrong?" in as calm if a voice i could.
     "we need to talk in private." my mom responded. she grabbed my arm, not hard but just grabbed it and took me upstairs into her room. "your brother is back in town. you know hoe ever since he left, he had never contacted us and it's been 4 years?" i nodded my head. "well we found a report of his friend dying in the hospital here and it said he was accompanied by jay. so we know he's going to be in town for a while."
     i was shocked. i didn't know what to say since two years ago he had contacted me and told me to keep it secret since he claimed he hated my dad. i don't know why, before he left things haven't had gotten bad yet. but i've been keeping it secret. we would text occasionally and talk about some things but nothing too important. he hadn't told me that he was back in town so i didn't want to ask him about it and freak him out.
     "oh well.. is he okay at least?" i say in response as i was wondering if i should tell my mom about me texting him these past two years.
     "yes he's fine but i don't know where he's staying. i guess he has another friend to stay with."
     "why is dad so angry for?" i say in curiosity.
     "because jay didn't want to contact your dad and tell him he was in town or even stop by to say hello or catch up."
      me and my mom sat talking for a little bit and i was just replying with simple words and not asking many questions because i was thinking about how he wouldn't tell me that he's in town, or didn't even want to visit us.. or me.
     i was very confused and kinda hurt over the whole thing but i was thinking about how we grew up together and how close we used to be until i had gotten a text. i pick up my phone and look at who has texted me. it was Adrian, he said we should talk soon. i texted back and asked where we should meet up and he replied with "take me wherever" then i remembered the beautiful cliff that i had found while i was driving one night. i tell him to be ready and that i'll be over in 10.
     i arrive to his house and he was leaning up against his car waiting for me. he got into the car and asked "where are we going"
     i looked at him and simply replied "it's a surprise. i really love this place and not many people know about it at all."
     "wow so i'm supposed to expect like a secret place where no one knows about and you take people that you care about there huh" he followed with "well how many 'special people' have you brung here? i'm sure Noah has been here, or Kate and Renea."
     he hasn't known that i had found it and kept it a secret. i come here when i need a break and when i need some fresh air with a beautiful view. "i'll explain it more as we get closer." i say as i don't want to spoil anything.
     "okay whatever you say"
     we arrive, and i park in the side of the road. i start to get off as Adrian says "um, were by a bunch of bushes.. are you going to kill me or something?" i laugh as a reply and say "just trust and follow me."
     we get off the car and walk towards the bushes. "i come here when i need a break from everything. i always knew i wanted to bring someone here but just not anyone. someone special to me. i've kept it a secret since i don't want it to be over populated or anything like that." Adrian looked at me, to the bushes, and then back at me again. "i bet your confused," i start to laugh. "just follow me." i push away the bush and reveal the amazing sunset with the cliff.
     "th-this is amazing Nazery, i don't know what to say." Adrian tells me as he looks out.
     "here come sit over here." i pat next to me as i sit at the edge of the cliff. he comes over and we're in silence for a little bit. "so what did you want to talk about?" i ask Adrian looking towards him.
     "us. i can't get you off of my mind Nazery. your so perfect and i'm so mad at Noah for treating you the way he did. your such an amazing girl and you deserve the world." Adrian says as he looks at me. "i can't give you the world, but i can put my all into you, and i will never leave you or treat you like he did. i know the hurt you are going through and it's not alright. i understand if you don't want anything right. now but just know, i'll always be waiting."
     i was shocked. i didn't know he had feelings as deep for me as i did for him. "Adrian, i've always had feelings for you. i just always felt bad and like i wasn't good enough. i thought i ne'er had a chance." i direct my attention back to the sunset as it was getting darker. "maybe we should just take things slow. but not because i don't have feelings for you, it's for us to grow and help eachother through this whole mess." he nods his head in agreement. we decided to get going since it was getting dark.
"it's been a real good time with you." Adrian says to me in a very appreciative tone. "i love that you trust me enough to take me here, thank you." it's so sweet that he actually isn't afraid to show his feelings towards me. i feel comfortable around him but i can feel myself pulling away. i think i'm afraid to love again. i don't want to get my heart crushed or to get hurt again by anyone. i guess i'm trying to reserve myself.
a few days went by and i've been distant with Adrian. he walks me to my classes and stuff but i don't reply fast or anything. sometimes i feel pathetic, like i shouldn't be distancing myself like this. i don't know. i'll figure it out. i had invited Renea over so we could talk and she showed up shortly after. she cane up to my room and we had small talk for a bit, then decided to go for a ride. we rode around and got more gas as we started to talk about Noah and Adrian. i let her do a lot of the talking up until she asked me, "hey, what's wrong? you seem off."
"it's just." i paused. "i'm holding myself back from something that could be great. i know that he won't hurt me, but ever since Noah, i'm just so unsure of everything." i admit to Renea.
"it's okay, we've all been noticing it too to be honest. we understand what's going on and how bad it is. but trust me, i know that Adrian is a good guy and would never hurt you. i'm the stupid one for leaving him like that and it might take some work for him to get back to normal as well. but hey, it'll get better and all will be good." Renea said back to me. ya know, sometimes she gives really good advice.
"i'll have to talk to Adrian soon and tell him what's up."

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