chapter 8

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What's up vroskis, soo my phone is still cracked and tomorrow I have to go to the hell hole, most people refer to as school. The picture above is something we did in school to be nice, if you can figure out which two I did, I'll mention you (or say something of your choice) in the next chapter. Well, on with the chapter!

We were all sitting down wondering who our teacher was, when "I AM HERE, COMING IN LIKE A NORMAL PERSON," as that was said All Might came through the door. The entire class started talking about him. "Today we are doing battle training!" He exclaimed. " Battle-" " training, " Katsuki and I said together. "But what's a hero without their costume, he exclaimed as he pushed a button and 19 cases came out. (Gamma suit, except a darker shade of green and all the white replaced with black and blue, silver.) "Wow, yours is cool, I should have been more specific when I asked for mine, it's skin tight" Uraraka said. " Thanks, yours looks cool too, " I say as I try to fix Katsuki. "Today we will fight in pairs, a hero and villain team."
~~timeskip brought to you by my laziness, and my spotify playlist
(All Canon teams) " ok, so here's the plan, " I tell Uraraka, " I'm going to fight kacchan, your gonna find the bomb, ok? " I turn to Uraraka and she nods. "Heroes may enter!" We all HeAr All Might yell. As we are about turn a corner, an explosion comes at me and I just barely dodged, dragging Uraraka with me. "Go find the bomb!" As I see Uraraka run off, Katsuki attacks me again with a right hook, I dodged, grabbed his arm, twist my body and slammed him to the ground. As soon as he hit the ground, I quickly climbed into him and held him down. He looked up and saw the black parts of my suit and paled. " Don't worry, this is just class, I'm not gonna pull a dagger out on you. " he then seemed to calm down as I took his arms and tied them in capture tape. "Bakugo is out!" We heard All Might exclaim. I then climbed off of him and helped him up. As soon as I did that, I ran to where Uraraka said she was. As soon as I got there, I ran at Ida and touched the bomb. "Heroes Win!" All Might exclaimed.

Yada yada, you know the rest. Well, see you next time for elections and the usj attack, will be be able to maintain the secret of will it be spilled? Find out next time on the black night

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