Crush Pt 2

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Yoongi and Lippie were out in the city of Seoul one night wanting some sort of freedom. Trying to go out as an idol is like trying to be a ninja by only wearing a hoodie and a face mask and hoping no one would notice who you are. The two were walking around and of course, shopping for the littlest things that they like. "Ooooo I like this sweater," Lippie says as she picks up the sweater from the pile and holds it up in front of herself and examines it a bit more and then looked at Yoongi and placed it on her to get a good visual image of how it would look. "Get it, you'll look really good in it." He says to her as he looks up from his phone and looked at her. It was a white plain fuzzy sweater that is slightly baggy at the end but tight at the bottom and the same style goes for the sleeve of it. She smiles and lets the sweater hanging from her arm and looked at more of the clothing. 

"I'm just going to buy this and then we can go eat okay." She says to him and goes off to the register. Yoongi just watched her skip her merry little way to the register. He honestly didn't expect for her to go out tonight since she always stays in and watches movies with NamJoon or Jungkook. She comes back and grabs his hand and leads him out of the store and headed to one of the restaurants they usually go to. 

She continues to lead him he watches her from behind admiring her once blonde hair that is now a silver type for her comeback with "Hi High". He misses her platinum blonde hair but you gotta do what you gotta do. As they continue to walk he lets go of her hand which makes her turn around with a small pout on her face. A small smirk comes onto his face and moves back a bit then started to run towards her and scoops her up bridal style and runs off to the restaurant. He likes to surprise her in many ways it was his way of showing that he likes her I mean the boy lets the girl hang out in the genius lab when he's there and when he's not all the time, he does not let anyone else in there unless it's for music but to lounge around. Tonight was gonna be the night where he is gonna ask her out on a real date for next time they decide to go out. 


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Jin was in Lippie's room helping her unpack her luggage from her recent trip from the states. She was sitting on the floor folding some clothes for her dresser and giving Jin clothes that need to get hung up since she was lazy to go back and forth from her closet to her bed to put clothes away. Once they were done he took her luggage and put it away in the closet in the hallway where they keep their luggage most of the time.

"Wanna help me cook something?" Jin says to Lippie and a smile forms on her face. He loved to teach her new things all the time, he enjoys seeing her smile and always wants to keep it on her face all the time. He takes her hand and brings her to the kitchen and puts her apron on her and started to grab out some ingredients and place them on the table.

He starts to instruct her on how to lather the ingredients into the chicken breast and to properly chop vegetables so she wouldn't cut her fingers. When they were done mixing everything he takes he apron off of her and she goes and washes her hands. "I will finish cooking you did a splendid job, better than last time honestly." He says to her as he puts the chicken on the already heated pan. "Wait really? I thought I was gonna poison everyone since I never seasoned the chicken it's usually you that do that and I just cut the easy vegetables." She says as she pops a small piece of green pepper into her mouth.

"Trust me you did better than Yoongi did," Jin says to her as he lowers the temperature on the stove. He puts the lid on the pan and goes to Lippie and kisses her forehead and cupped her cheeks. "You go and sit I will serve you." He says and she nodded and goes into the living room and watches a movie. He finishes cooking up the rest of the food and took out two plates and put the food onto the plates and headed to the dining table, placing the plates on the table. He heads to the living room to see Lippie knocked out on the couch.

He sighs as he kneels next to her, he gently caresses her cheek then stood up and looked at the food on the table. There goes his plan for a small dinner date that he planned out all day. Bribing the boys to leave for the night so no one can interrupt them but in the end, Lippie falls asleep.

 Bribing the boys to leave for the night so no one can interrupt them but in the end, Lippie falls asleep

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