Who Are You?

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James POV

   The first thing I'm faced with when I fall asleep was me watching my sub count on my YouTube channel, TheOdd1sOut, going steady and surly plummeting down all the subscribers I once had. Then, suddenly I am walking down the street. The times when I would get recognized every corner I turned where no more. Soon enough I was forgotten, alone, and lonely-

   All of a sudden I woke up from my nightmare. I checked my sub count only to see it was normal. I decided to start the day watching some videos. After watching who knows how much, I come across a channel called SomethingElseYT. I clicked on a few videos of his and laughed a bit. He was pretty funny...

Adam's POV

   I woke up around 12 to a notification on my social media. Someone by the name of TheOdd1sOut has started to follow me- WAIT! ISN'T HE A BIG ANIMATOR ON YOUTUBE!?!

   I nearly roll off my bed by the news. He was my inspiration to even try YouTube animating. I was so happy. I got even more freaked out that he fricken sent me a message in my Instagram.

James POV

   After watching a few more of his videos, I decide to internet stalk him and find his social media accounts. His Insta account name was SomethingElsegram and all he posted was pictures of his face very close to the camera. I wanted to send him a message so I wrote a simple "hey" then deleted what I wrote. "Too genetic" I thought. Then I started typing "hi I'm TheOdd1sOut on yt and I have more than ten million subscribers" then I also deleted that. "Idiot I can't use my subscriber count for making friends". Ah I got it. "Hi I'm James and I was wondering if you want to hang out sometime." About a few minutes past and a reply from him says

     "Sure, my name is Adam."

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