Crazy Like Me

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Adam's POV

   Tim arrives a few minutes after we get to James' house.(they go their stuff when walking to James' house) Jaiden Tim and I sit in the couch while James picks a movie for us to watch
   Jaiden looks at Tim like they're planning something. Tim nods to whatever Jaiden is hinting at.
   "Hey James. What about a horror movie?" Jaiden says as Tim smirks. "S-sure" James said but he also looks a little nervous.
   James sits next to me. The movie was pretty scary but not scary enough for me to piss my pants. When a scary part came up, I felt something grab my arm.
   When I looked to my left I saw James. He looked scared out of his mind. In order to calm him down, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders.
   He slightly blushed and then nuzzled into me. I felt my face getting warm. "The heck. I feel my heart beating really fast. Must be nothing."

   When the movie ended James fell asleep. Jaiden and Tim were giggling about something. "Those two are weird" I decided to put James to his bed. I carried him bridal style and went to his room.
   After I put him in his bed (and tucked him in) I turned to leave but I felt James tugging on my sleeve. "Jameson, let go" "Please stay..." James says in a tired voice. I sigh and sit on the side of his bed.
   A few seconds after I sat, James pulled me down and cuddled me. "J-James...!" "Shush. Teddy bears don't talk." I chuckled when I hear him say that.
   While in his grasp, I feel really warm. I take off my glasses and put them on the bedside table and slowly fall asleep while sinking into his arms.
   "Goodnight Teddybear..." "Goodnight Jameson" Those were the last words I said in the real world when I wake up in a nightmare.
   The room I was in had black walls with a distorted figure inside as if it were waiting for me. "Ah. Your here. We have so much to discuss" the figure said "Like what?"
   "Well first off. That boy you have taken a liking to." I hesitantly asked "Do you mean James?" "Yes I'm here to warn you about him. He isn't any different than the other women you loved. He's the same. He's even the same as your old boyfriend."
   "No. He was horrible. Neglectful and... Well you get my point. James is different!" "Don't you remember? He acted the same as James when you first met him." "How did you know that? You weren't in my head during that time"
   "I've always been with you since you got bullied. I was always here. Watching you like you were part of a show." I was surprised by his response "That long?!?" "Yes. Now unfortunately our time is up. You have to wake up now." "Wait I still have questions!"
   Before I knew it, I opened my eyes to see James' ceiling. He was still asleep. I carefully slipped away from his grasp. He muttered something but didn't wake up (thankfully) and I went into the kitchen where Tim and Jaiden were talking in hushed voices.
   When they saw me Jaiden said "Good morning Adam. How'd you sleep?" She said with a smirk. She probably saw James and I sleeping together. I blushed and said "Good morning I slept well thank you." "Can you make breakfast? You're the best cook out of all of us" Tim asked. "Fine. I'll get started."
  A few minutes after I start cooking James comes down from upstairs. "Hey sleepy head. How was it sleeping with Adam?" Jaiden asked James "What?" he looked confused and he had a slight blush on his cheeks.
   "Adam what is she talking about?" James asked in a nervous voice. "I don't know. I slept on the floor beside your bed." "oh" he had relief on his face but disappointment in his voice.
   After I finished cooking vegan pancakes. Everyone started digging in. They looked like they enjoyed it especially Jaiden (since y'know she's vegan. This isn't a Adam x Jaiden fanfic. c'mon now). I thought back to what the voice said and asked James to talk to me alone. We've been friends for a while now and I trust him about what I'm going to tell him.

James' POV

   Adam asked to see me alone. I didn't know why but I told him we could talk in my room. When we sat on my bed he said "I want to tell you something really important okay?"
   I blush at what I think he's hinting at. "O-ok sure." he sighs and says " I used to have a boyfriend that abused me..." his voice cracks as he says that. I smile about the part that he liked guys but quickly frown when he tells me the last part.
   "What? Why would you date him?!" I growled at the thought of someone hurting Adam. Well the thing is I loved Adam and didn't like him getting hurt. He teared up and said "I really loved him at the time and when he said he loves me I was, of course, overjoyed but my happiness quickly changed to sadness when he showed me his true colors..."
   "That's horrible! If you don't mind me asking what his name is...?" I wanted to find him and turn him in to the police if he was still out there. But if they wouldn't help I would take care of him myself.
    He then said "His name was Lucas. After a few weeks of dating, he changed. A lot. When we were alone he would drag me to his basement, strap me down in a chair and...." his voice trailed off and I saw that he was about to cry. I hugged him in the tightest hug ever then let go.
   "How did you leave?" "When my YouTube channel kicked off I went to Vidcon in LA but I didn't tell him. On the day I was going to leave I told him I was going grocery shopping. After he said 'ok' I went to my room and packed my bags. I left and managed to move here. I don't even know if he knows where I am."
   I hug Adam again and this time he hugs me back. "It makes sense why he always wears his sweater. His scars are covered by the sleeves of his hoodie." I didn't realize realize he was sobbing into my shirt. I didn't care. I just wanted him to be safe. "I'll make no one will ever hurt you again. I promise."

"I'll also make sure no one takes you from me."

(wow I made James a yandere. Adam's previous boyfriend was kinda yandere too so i guess it's yandere vs yandere... Oops spoiler)

(( also this chapter has 1157 words wow))

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