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James's POV

    I went after Adam, who was running to his house at full speed. I hope he's okay. I mean he just got up and ran. I wonder what happened to Lucas. Did he just leave? Doesn't matter. I still have to get to Adam.
   Adam runs inside his house and slams the door shut. I run to his porch and stop for a moment to catch my breath. Not even a minute later, I pound on the door and yell out Adam's name.
   He didn't answer, which wasn't surprising. Luckily, I knew where his spare house key was hidden. I grab the key from under the mat (the most obvious place to hide a key, I know) and unlock the door.
   His house was the same as always. Except, it had an unfamiliar atmosphere which was unsettling. The bathroom in the hallway had it's light on. I walked down the hall to the bathroom door. Every second felt like a year.
   The door was open. The knob turned easily in my hand but I hesitated before opening it. "Adam! You in there? I'm coming in..." I pushed the door open and stood in the doorway in shock.
Alright. So before you continue, this is where this book splits into two parts.

This chapter will be the "bad ending" which basically means that this part is a bad ending. So it's pretty self explanatory.

The other chapter will be the in a second book which will be out soon. That chapter will be known as the "good ending".

Okay. Got it? Mk.

Go ahead and continue on.
  Adam was laying on the ground with a puddle of blood surrounding his lifeless body. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and dialed 911.
   I explained everything to the lady on the line with my body shaking and my voice cracking. The lady said she'd send ambulances to the scene.
   I knew they'd be too late. I knew they wouldn't be able to do anything. I knew they couldn't save the person that mattered most to me. So I sat next to Adam's body and hugged it.
   "Y'know Adam. I loved you ever since we first met. Something inside just knew that you were the one. That sounds really cheesy but I don't care." I smile and look at Adam's emotionless face.
   The moment I hear sirens, I grab the blade that took Adam's life and slit my throat. Nothing mattered without Adam so why choose to live? Jeez. Everything escalated to quickly after Adam darted out. I couldn't even say any last words to him.

Life is so unfair...

Everyone Has Fears (A Jadam Story) Where stories live. Discover now