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The most wonderful thing to wake up to was the after-smell of a campfire first thing in the morning. Chilly fog surrounds the entire woods, making it difficult to see.

Not long ago, the two girls had stirred awake and had taken care of anything of theirs. They had ate a few granola bars for their breakfast before heading out, continuing further on the non-existent path.

Tiger rubbed her eyes, still wishing to sleep. Weasel on the other hand, was completely silent. Weasel's throat was too sore to talk and Tiger's brain was still attempting to wake up.

The chill was disturbingly comforting. The two enjoyed the silence as the proceeded through the forest, hoping to bump into a small town or a cabin at some point on their journey. The two girls had unconsciously linked their arms together.

They had felt something odd as soon as they woke up. It was only getting heavier though. They hadn't linked arms since freshman year, and once Tiger caught what they were doing, felt chills run all up and down her spine.

"We haven't linked arms for at least two years," Tiger pointed out to Weasel.

"What do you mean-" Weasel stooped suddenly when she realized what Tiger said. "No way! What?!"

Tiger nodded before pulling Weasel to continue walking deeper into the foggy woods. Old habits were coming back, and wether or not the girls would admit to it: they were startled.

"Hey Tiger,"

"Hm?" Tiger replied with a hum.

"Was it just me or did you feel sort of watched last night?" Weasel looked up at Tiger with a straight face while asking.

"When you bring it up like that, sort of."

Tiger furrowed her brows as she remembered the uneasy feeling when the two were beginning to doze to sleep that night. Maybe they were just being overly paranoid like they always were.

The walk continued and the two had started to converse when the morning turned to afternoon. The two girls had cheered up, trying to lift some of the uneasy feelings away with positive talk.

They were after all best friends, which meant there was never an awkward silence when they were together. They liked to keep it that way, and had vowed to stick together no matter what happened. They even had agreed they would meet upon after death.

"Hey dummy, let's stop and eat some lunch. Even if it's small it'll help fill the empty void that lives inside my stomach." Tiger elbowed Weasel while speaking.

Weasel shrugged before they both had stopped. After a little bickering, the two had agreed to eat a few packets of pop tarts. The day before when they had stopped at the river, they had luckily refilled their water bottles.

Even though the water was slightly dirty, it was still clean enough to drink. Tiger has practically forced Weasel to drink at least a few sips of water. Weasel complained the whole time saying she would be fine, but had listened to Tiger anyways.

An hour passed. Straight after they were done with their lunch they had walked once more. After that hour of walking and passed, they had found an open field. Trees upon trees had surrounded the whole empty field, but what caught the girls attentions was that there was a cabin.

Before they walked towards the cabin though, Tiger caught movement in the corner of her eye. She tugged at Weasel's hoody sleeve, drawing Weasel to gape at the black figure that was almost blending in with the fog of it wasn't for them being complete black.

"Run," Tiger ordered.

The two sprinted right after the cabin, the figure soon rushing at the two. Panic filled the girls as they pushed their legs to move faster. They came crashing right into the cabin, Tiger quickly slamming the door close and locking it.

"Grab a chair, and quick."

Weasel followed the directions Tiger gave and found a chair within a minute. They together shoved the door under the handle, preventing whatever had chased them from hopefully getting in.

The two panted for breath as they looked only at each other. Weasel's throat burned from the sudden sprint but didn't care.

"What in the ever God's was that?!" Weasel whispered loudly.

"I don't know, but whatever it was had no good intentions." Tiger relied.

Once the two had finally caught their breath, they examined the entire cabin. It had two floors and surprisingly there was canned foods in the pantry that were yet to expire. Not only that but the plumbing worked.

The only thing broken about the place was the electricity. But lucky for them, there was a fire place with wood already inside. The only thing that concerned the girls was the fact that the chopped firewood looked as though they were freshly placed there.

Tiger insisted they keep an eye and ear out, and Weasel had no problem with agreeing. This cabin for now would be their hang out until they knew where to go to next...

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