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   Silence filled the house as Tiger awoke. She glanced around the room and found it looked different compared to when she and Weasel had went to sleep after those creatures came.

   The pillow fort they had made was gone and Weasel was nowhere to found. It wasn't unusual for that to happen, but judging by the month that went by, Tiger didn't trust this.

   She got up and put on her tie-dye slippers before opening her door. She glanced right an left, looking and listening for any signs of her best friend.

   "Weasel? Where are you brother?" Tiger yelled.

   Silence met her and she huffed. Maybe Weasel had decided to pull a prank on Tiger, and Tiger wasn't in the mood. She walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen, smirking as she went.

   "I guess I'm going to have to all the French toast and waffles by myself~!"

   Silence... Not even the slightest sound of shuffling or changing positioning was heard. Maybe Weasel had an emergency? Tiger pulled out her phone and dialed Weasel's number. It rung a few times before Weasel's ring tone was blasting from upstairs.

   Tiger raced up them and had almost tripped, but kept her balance as she went. The noise came from Tiger's bedroom and when she opened it, knew right away it was under her bed.

   "Found you loser!" Tiger shouted, smirking as she bent down to peer under the bed.

   But there was nothing but Weasel's phone lighting up before darkening because the call stopped. Weasel never left her phone behind, never. They both had their phones on them if there was ever something urgent they needed to say.

   Tiger's ears rung from the abrupt silence. Worry was all she felt now. They had their moments when they joked, but it never went this far. It was rare to happen but Tiger felt extremely hot and sweaty.

   Maybe she should just wait it off and see if maybe Weasel had just forgot to bring her phone with her when something came up. Of course Tiger vowed to yell at Weasel, but for now, she would simply have to wait and not panic.

   Deciding to take a bubble bath, Tiger walked towards the bathroom. But the door was wide open and the light was on. Tiger jumped and though maybe someone was in there, waiting to attack her before her mind raced to another thought. What if Weasel fell and cracked her skull or blacked out?!

   Tiger poked her head in and saw nothing. An empty bathtub, the floor, and everything else in their usual spots. She sighed and mumbled under her breath how she would kill Weasel.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   The bath had calmed Tigers nerves and the afternoon soon kicked in. Maybe Weasel had decided she was tired of being friends with Tiger. That's what Tiger was thinking anyways. 6 years of being friends could become exhausting.

   Tiger clenched her fist, before calming down again. It couldn't be that, there was no way. If that was the case, Weasel would have left the very first year they had became friends!

   A movie was put on and Tiger had slowly dozed off, falling to sleep. As the time passed, the house grew darker and if possible, even more silent. The sun was gone and the sky was a pitch black, looking as if it could suck you up into a place full of nothing.

   Tigers's heart began to race for unknown reasons, and she started to stir awake, feeling a burning gaze right on her face. When she had opened her eyes, she had screamed in surprise and panic at a figure in front of her.

   It looked so familiar yet Tiger couldn't think why. Before it disappeared as fast as it had been seen, she heard something be whispered in her head.

                  Times up, Your next -

   Tiger wasn't able to understand the rest as it felt like someone was screaming right in her ears. She covered her ears but could still hear the painful noise. Her head began to spin and she felt something warm and wet slide down her lips and chin.

   Her vision began to darken and twist and shake all at the same time. She swore she saw the room change multiple colors and felt herself almost float in a way. She passed out during this, luckily already had been on the couch. Her body went limp and soon, her breathing steadied again.

   Around 3, Tiger had awoken before going back to sleep. But in that spam, a familiar figure that wasn't demonic or twisted stood looking at her. They had quickly placed something gently in her hand before she fell asleep.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

   The birds chirped and Tiger thought she was in her bedroom, but soon realized that she must have fallen asleep in the living room while watching a movie. And it dawned on her mind that Weasel had still yet come home.

   Her head ached when she sat up and felt something her hand. It was a folded piece of paper, stained and crinkled.

   "Where did this come from?"

   Unfolding the paper, she read the familiar hand writing she had grown to see a lot from Weasel.

   I promise you that you will see me very soon. Don't call the police and don't tell anyone. If my parents call just tell them that I'm busy. Be patient friend.
         -Weasel <3

   Tiger had unconsciously wiped under her noise in wonder before looking down at her hand and seeing flakes of dried blood. She sat there staring for a moment before realizing that she had probably had a bloody nose.

   Going to the bathroom, Tiger gaped at her reflection. Her face had pretty much bathed in her blood. Her Ghost T-shirt was also decorated with the drops and dribbles of dried up blood. What had happened to have caused this?

   As soon as she had tried to think, a loud ringing noise made her drop the thought, which the ringing immediately stopped from. But even if the ringing had attempted to stop it, Tiger had a rush of memory at a scary speed.

   "What...?" Confusion was laced with her voice as she rubbed her aching head.

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