🌲Super Market🌲

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The showers were quick and packing cans of food up went fast as they had soon left the cabin. The day was chilly but refreshing. The cabin event had freaked the two girls and they felt the need for fresh air.

When the wind blew through the woods, is sounded like the trees were whispering. Every time a sound was heard, they thought it was a person. But maybe they were just being paranoid and it was just their minds playing tricks on them.

   There was nothing but trees and more trees, wether they were pine, oak, or spruce they were constantly everywhere. Of course, they knew that that's what the woods were; endless paths of just trees.

Tiger has pulled out her phone at last and had started to play some music that the two jammed to. They did little dances but mainly sang to the songs that played. At one point they had stopped for a small snack break.

Pop tarts it was. Something had told them to be patient on eating lunch. It was a hunch and boy were they delightfully surprised by the accuracy of their guts. After a few more hours of walking, they had found an opening. Right near that opening was a deserted road with a small stop in was at.

A tiny run down supermarket, a diner with a lack of business, and a motel that looked worse than the supermarket. The two smiled at each other and had raced across the road before reaching the diner.

A few cars were parked outside of the diner, but just two. Weasel wiggled her wallet out of the back of her backpack and telling the amount of money the two had had currently in cash.

"We still have a good 103 bucks, which I'd say is enough to get us filled for lunch."

"Perfect. Let's go see if they have waffles here." Tiger replied, grabbing the sleeve of Weasel's hood and dragging Weasel

Once finding a booth of any choice since it was so empty, a waiter had immediately stood, avoiding eye contact. He was quite talk but that was usually normal for males to be on the taller scale.

Light brown hair, clean and cut short, was a noticeable feature. Maybe it was because of him being a waiter and his boss probably wanting him to look presentable that he looked tidy.

He cleared his throat before practically whispering if they would like any drinks before ordering. Tiger ordered a cup of water while Weasel ordered for some RootBeer. When the waiter had nodded and turned around, Tiger slapped Weasel.

   "We don't have that much money!" Tiger Whisper-yelled.

   "I was going to use the remainder of my money anyways." Weasel replied.

   Weasel rubbed her arm that was just harassed, before quickly getting up.

   "Excuse me sir! Can you change the R&B a water instead but with ice?!" Weasel had yelled out.

   Tiger face palmed herself in disbelief before deciding to let it go. But she kept a mental note that if Weasel ever pulled that stunt when they were in middle school she would have beat her. The charms of being best friends since 8th grade indeed.

   At long last, a stack of three big waffles were in front of them. It was freshly made and had strawberry syrup dribbled all over them, whip cream and sliced up strawberries for the added sweetness of the savory breakfast food they were instead eating as lunch.

   The meal was delicious and they truly had felt pleased with themselves. Maybe this hiking trip was worth it. They would of course need to make sure they had enough money for when they came back home.

After getting up, the girls left a few dollars as a tip to the waiter. He must be new because he really did seem nervous. He did good though in their minds so they left the tip with no hesitation. Next they headed towards the bad quality market. The floors inside were stained of all sorts of past substances and mud.

The walls were stained a yucky green and red but the foods all seemed close to up to date which was a relief. There wasn't much though. The girls walked through the aisles, searching for some more toilet paper and water.

But as they stood in an aisle examining the shelves, they noticed how quite it was inside. That's when footsteps were heard. They weren't theirs and the steps sounded rushed. They held their breaths and unconsciously placed their hands near their weapons.

Tiger bent down where her hand hovered over her combat boots, where a knife was hidden against her leg. Weasel on the other hand had her hand under her hoody, fingers gripping the handle of her gun that was tucked in her holster.

Every step the stranger made  sent their hearts to beat faster and their breathing to stop. Right next to the entrance of the aisle they were in was a hooded figure. Their face was concealed by the shadows of their hood.

   Something was hidden in their hoody pocket and before the two girls could find out what that exactly was, they had sprinted away from the stranger and ran out the doors, not bothering to pay when their lives were at risk.

   They only stopped running when they were in the woods, their body's concealed by the greenery. Weasel panted has she held her neck in attempt to stop the burning in her throat while Tiger leaned against the tree and shut her  eyes.

   After they had finally caught their breaths, Weasel and Tiger started to walk, staying hidden by the trees and bushes. They would soon talk more on the event that had just happened once they knew they were distances away from the town.

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