Chapter 3: Shaggy, Scooby, Ruby, and Yang's airport customs checking job

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Shaggy and Scooby were watching the episode of the live interview show Daphne and Blake were on

"Like, yeah....we really miss you guys as well..." Shaggy says

"Reah..." Scooby adds as he sniffs

"Come on, you guys, let's get back to work.' Yang said.

"Like, okay." Shaggy replies.

Ruby, Yang, and Shaggy followed Scooby as he sniffed along the suitcases for anything that shouldn't be here. Eventually, Scooby lands on a black suitcase and points at it

"Got something there, Scooby?" Ruby asks.

"Reah, reah reah!!" Scooby said

Shaggy opened the suitcase and Scooby stuck his head in. But however, at first he came out with a pair of socks on his nose which makes him sneeze. The socks then land right on Ruby's face. 

"Like, no offense old buddy, but I think your nose might be losing it's touch." Shaggy said as Ruby took the socks off her face

"Rnuh-uh!!" Scooby said

All of a sudden, Scooby starts digging in the suitcase sending the clothes in it flying onto the ground and he pulls his head out with a wheel of Switzerland authentic Swiss cheese.

"Pretty sneaky..." Yang said

"But they can't fool your nose." Shaggy said as he grabbed the cheese wheel

"Reah, reah!" Scooby says as he nods

"Like, no one brings contraband food into the country with us on the job." Shaggy says

"Let's go check it in, you two." Yang said as her, Ruby, Shaggy, and Scooby head to a room with a sign that said 'CUSTOMS' above it

Shaggy opes the door and Yang and Ruby head right for the registration desk while Shaggy and Scooby look around the room at all the food there.

"Like, is this the jackpot of jobs or what??" Shaggy asked his canine friend

"Reah!" Scooby answers as he pokes hs head out from a pile of boxes of contraband chocolates

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