Chapter 15: Another ghostly encounter

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Back at the mansion, Lena was giving everybody their rooms. Only ones she had left right now were Shaggy, Scooby, Fred, and Daphne.

"And this is your room." Lena told to  Shaggy and Scooby as she flicked on the light in a room that had two bedside lamps, a mirror, a twin sized bed with a chest at the foot of it, and a window with a nice view of part of the island. "I hope you'll both be comfortable."

"Thanks, Lena." Shaggy said as him and Scooby walked into the room and Shaggy put his briefcase on the bed. "Like, what time's dinner?"

Lena chuckled and said, "Well, I have never met a pair who ate so much"

"Like, being in a state of constant terror makes us constantly hungry." Shaggy explains

"Reah. RConstantly." Scooby added

Lena then stepped out of the room and walked down the hall and said, "Your room is this way,  Fred."

Fred and  Daphne followed Lena to the room as she opened it.  Iit was a room nearly identical to  Scooby and Shaggy's room except that it had a mirror hung on a wall over a dresser.

"You;ll have a beautiful view of the Harvest Moon tonight. I hope you'll be comfortable here." Lena stated as she opened a window then left the room and walked across the hall

"Thanks, Lena." Fred said as he put his briefcase on the bed in his room

Lena opened the door to the room just across the hall and said, "And this is your room, Mrs. Blake."

Daphne walked into the room and looked around and set her briefcase at the foot of her bed.

"Thanks, Mrs....." Daphne started until she saw Lena had seemingly vanished. She didn't even hear Lena's footsteps


In Shaggy and Scooby's room, Scooby was looking out the window at an owl.  Shaggy then opened his briefcase revealing the clothes in it were exact copies of what he currently had on.

"Like, maybe I should dress for dinner, eh, Scoob?" Shaggy asked as he turned to Scooby

Scooby was too busy mimicking the owl and cause of Scooby mimicking the owl's sound, Shaggy thought Scooby was saying, 'Who'

"Like, me, that's who." Shaggy said

Scooby mimicked the owl a few more times and his head got twisted like a spring.

"Like, quit bothering the wildlife, buddy." Shaggy said

Shaggy had managed to get into another shirt just a Scooby hopped down from the window,

"Well, like, how do I look?" Shaggy asked. "Am I gonna turn a few heads or what?"

Just then, Scooby's neck spun around back to normal and nodded.

Shaggy looked at himself in the mirror and said, "Boy, do I need a trim."

Over the years, Shaggy's small chin whiskers have been getting to where they needed to be trimmed. So, Shaggy grabbed a nearby pair of hair scissors and trimmed the chin whiskers a little bit. 

"Like, much better." Shaggy said as he put the scissors back

Just then, a ghost showed up in the mirror. It was some sort of Confederate Soldier who died on the island.

 It was some sort of Confederate Soldier who died on the island

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"Get away...." the ghost in the mirror ominously said

Shaggy and  Scooby looked and naturally, knowing these two, screamed.

"Get away...." the ghost said as it started to come out of the mirror

That was it, the moment the ghost came out of the mirror, the two took off running.


In his room,  Fred tied an ascot around his neck while humming. Once the ascot was tied, he looked at himself in the mirror over the dresser in his room.

"Nah." Fred said as he took the ascot back off and tossed it into his briefcase

At that exact moment, Shaggy came bursting into the room and jumped into Fred's arms, then Scooby came in and jumped into Shaggy's arms. From the weight, the three stumbled into the hallway and....


They crashed into Simone with Scooby on top of her.

"Get this beast off of me!!" Simone snapped

"We're terribly sorry." Fred said, helping Shaggy and Scooby back up as Weiss, Blake, Yang, Velma, and  Daphne came out of their rooms

"Freddie, what on Remnant are you doing???" Daphne asked as her and Blake helped Simone back up

"Shaggy and  Scooby....." Fred started

"Saw another ghost!!" Shaggy finished

They then went over to Scooby and Shaggy's room which somehow got it's door shut and Shaggy slowly opened it.

"Like, in here." Shaggy said, opening the door fully and Daphne, Velma, Weiss, Blake, and Yang stepped in

Daphne, Weiss, and Blake took a look around but didn't see anything.

"We don't see anything." Daphne, Blake, and Weiss said in unison

"Like, in the mirror." It's some Civil War guy."  Shaggy said, backing away from the mirror

"Well, there's nothing in the mirror now guys." Yang sad as Weiss and Blake took a close look fro the front of the mirror

Velma went behind the mirror.

"There's nothing behind the mirror either. Hmmm....." Velma started before she noticed something under the dust on the back. "Wait a minute!"

Yang and Blake moved the mirror to where Velma could get a good look at the back

"There's something under this dust." Velma said as she blew off the dust from the back of the mirror

She blew the dust off and it ended up making Scooby sneeze with enough force to tilt the mirror making the back knock Velma to the ground.

"RExcuse me." Scooby apologized

"It's okay, Scooby." Velma replied as she reached into her pocket for her eyeglasses cleaning cloth but didn't find it. "Must've lost my eyeglasses cleaning cloth."

Scooby then got an idea. He took Velma's glasses, blew onto the lenses fogging them up, then wiped them off with his tail and handed the glasses back to Velma.

"Thanks, Scooby." Velma said as she put her glasses back on and looked at the back of the mirror. "Hey, look. 'Property of Colonel Jackson T. Pettigrew 8th Louisiana'. Hmmm....."

"Sounds like a Civil War regiment." Weiss states

"There were Confederate barracks on this island." Simone explained

"Maybe you guys did see something after all." Velma told Shaggy and Scooby

"Like, ghost pirates, ghost soldiers, what's next???" Shaggy said

"Dinner." everyone heard Lena say

They all turned and Lena was there, standing in the doorway.

"From all the screaming up here, i'd say you two must be starving." Lena added

Shaggy and Scooby looked at each other and smiled.

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