Chapter 13: More info and The Zombie of Morgan Moonscar

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Shaggy and Scooby were in the kitchen packing food for their upcoming picnic. After a few things were packed, they went to pack a sandwich but t was a bit large. So, they ate on both sides until it fell right into the basket. They are now fully packed for their small picnic. They went to leave as Weiss came into the kitchen.

"Like, what are you doing here,Weiss?" Shaggy asked

"I want to take a closer look at this wall." Weiss answered

"What's to look at? It's pretty clear that ghost wants us out." Shaggy replied. "Come on, Scoob, let's go." Shaggy added as him and Scooby left the kitchen

"It isn't hollow, but maybe...." Weiss said as she started using her fingers to scratch off the paint

After she scratched off some of the paint, she noticed what looked like carvings in the wood that was used to build the wall.

"There's something under here." Weiss stated Weiss grabbed a spatula from a nearby counter and scrapped away some more paint

As she scrapped away the paint, she uncovered the letters M, A, and E just as Lena entered the kitchen with a tray carrying empty cups.

"What ARE you doing to my kitchen?!?" Lena asked

Weiss dropped the spatula back on the counter after fully uncovering the word 'MAELSTROM' from under the paint and said, "Oops, guess I got a little carried away." 


A few minutes later, everyone else got to the kitchen and Weiss was flipping through a book for info. 

"Bingo!" Weiss exclaimed finding info on the word 'MALESTROM'

"Would you mind telling me why you destroyed half of the kitchen?" Simone demanded

"Yeah, Weiss,let us in on it!" Blake added

"Well,according to this book, The Malestrom as the name of Morgan Moonscar's pirate ship." Weiss explained

"I am not surprised. Parts of this house are quite old. Pieces of the pirate ship could have been used in the construction. Morgan Moonscar was even rumored to have buried treasure on the island. Though it was......never found" Simone explained

"Treasure. Aha! I new t! It's some guy disguised as a Pirate ghost trying to scare everybody off the island!" Fred stated

Everyone just gave him a look meaning that they are basically tired of Fred's shit by now. 


Shaggy and Scooby were outside doing what they do best.Eating. They started eating peacefully until Scooby took off after some cats. He knocked a few plants Beau had put in the ground.

"Like, come back, Scoob! That grouchy gardener isn't gonna be happy about this." Shaggy called out as he started putting the plants back in the ground

Scooby chased them past a log and Shaggy was following but stopped by some peppers and started picking a few. Scooby unknowingly angered Snakebite who was fishing but however, he didn't know this until he saw Mojo chasing after him. He took off running and ran past Shaggy.

"What's the matter? Not afraid of a few cats are ya?" Shaggy asked

"Rn, Rojo!" Scooby responded as he ran

It didn't take long for Shaggy to realize what he meant and he took off running as well. Somehow, they ended up falling right into a large elephant size hole. Mojo kicked dirt onto the two and walked off.

"Like, how humiliating.....chased into a hole by 1 third of a BLT..." Shaggy said

Scooby stood against a wall in the hole and Shaggy tried to climb but they both fell back down. But this time, a skeleton's arm was coming out of the wall. The wind starts howling as it picks up speed. Then, some green spirit like energy comes down from the sky and came into contact with the skeleton arm. 

"L-L-Like, what's going on?" Shaggy said

"RI don't know." Scooby responded

A full skeleton falls out of the hole. Naturally, Shaggy and Scooby scream. The skeleton somehow got formed together and started growing rotting flesh and a white beard. The skeleton was turning into a full on zombie! The two cowards heard moaning seemingly coming from the zombie. After the zombie fully formed, It was revealed that it as the zombie of Morgan Moonscar. Shaggy and Scooby screamed really loudly and in a cartoonish way, ran right up the wall of the hole and escaped, However, they bumped into Rose literally.

'Like, sorry, ma'am."  Shaggy apologized as him and Scooby got off of her and helped her get back up and dusted off her cloak

"It's okay. What were you two running from, anyways?" Rose asked

"Like, if you really wanna know, there is a dead guy following us!" Shaggy answered

Rose looked around but saw nothing. However, since Shaggy apologized for knocking her over, she decided to be nice to them about it and give them the benefit of the doubt.

"Well, if therewas actuallly something following you, it's not there now." Rose said

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