Ice spitter

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Chapter 6

Driving my little car home I can feel the cold bite me through the partly opened windows.

I look around the road and notice a large patch of ice in the corner of the road right where my wheel was going to go.

I jerk to the left but I am not fast enough because the car goes spinning and hits a tree with a loud bang my car is press up against a large pine tree.

I groan and push the partly dented door out and look at the damage. "Fuck!"

The car is curved around a enormous pine tree and the side of my beauty is smashed to pieces. "Damn it! I'm dead." I stomp my foot into the ground and then have a little childish tantrum.

I smash the foot once again on the ground and ice shoots out from my foot and slightly freezes a tree in close distance to me. "Shit!" I hope nobody say that.

"Would you like some help." I freeze, shit who ever is standing there just saw me freeze a tree.

I slowly turn around and look into Asher's bright blue eyes. "So you can shot ice out of your foot." He smiles but I only makes me want to run away in fear.

"That's a pretty cool trick but I would have to say mine is just a little better." He winks out me and I look at him for a while with my mouth open.

"What are you talking about." I stutter.

He smiles and walks closer to me as I take a step back. "I knew there was something
different about you. I could feel it." He plays around with the shiny keys in his hands and then slips them into his pocket.

"Want to see my trick." He smiles like a cherisher cat and pulls his sleeves up and flexes his large hand. I back up and by butt touches the front of my crushed car.

All of a sudden bright red flames spring out from the top of his fingers and I gasp at the brightness coming from his hand.

They dance upon the ends of his fingers.

He smiles at my reaction and starts to play with the flames he created by throwing them back and forth.

"Oh my god. You can manipulate the elements too." I stare in awe at him as he makes the fire from his finger tips vanish.

"I thought I as the only one. I thought I was defected." I stutter and his eyes soften. "I can help you with your car if you would like."

I look over at the mass of spare parts littering the ground. "My parents are literally going to kill me." I put my head in my hands and let out a loud sigh.

"They are not going to believe that I hit a patch of black ice." I say out loud. "I can help you with this. My dads a mechanic. I can call him and he will come and pick it up."

I look up. "I can't ask you to do that and I won't have a ride to school if it's in your dads shop." He looks at the car.

"You won't have a ride either way."

At stop my pacing for a second and tap the top of my car. "True."

"I can drive you to school while its in my dads shop." I look up briefly before lowering my head again.

"That would be really nice of you." I smile.

"Good that you excepted my offer because I was not going to let you leave before you said yes. We would be really cold by then." I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't really get that cold." I laugh and he chuckles.

"Right your an ice spitter." I look up at him.

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