detention • p.jy

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  warnings: HUGE TRIGGER WARNING for my readers who have suffered any type of sexual assault or abuse ( if you ever need to talk i'm here ), jail/police stations, mentions of alcohol, breakdowns, mentions of fighting, swearing, and fluff

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warnings: HUGE TRIGGER WARNING for my readers who have suffered any type of sexual assault or abuse ( if you ever need to talk i'm here ), jail/police stations, mentions of alcohol, breakdowns, mentions of fighting, swearing, and fluff

"Well, this is homey." You smiled. You could hear the scoff from across the hall. Jinyoung's iconic scoff. The scoff that made you want to retract your sprinkle of sarcasm comment on your current situation.

"We're in jail cells, ___. What's homey about that?" Jinyoung snapped. Your small smile fell, being replaced with a purse of your lips. You inhaled deeply before thinking for a reason that could back up your remark.

"I was trying to be the comedic relief. You know," You looked up and met his cold, intimidating glare. "In the shows- where they- okay." You whispered.

Some may wonder how you both ended up in separate cells on this fine night. Out of your friend group no one would've guessed you and jinyoung would be the first ones to be locked up. Maybe Bambam, or a solid Yugyeom, just never you or Jinyoung. Definitely not so sudden either.

But when liquor, a tired Jinyoung, and someone who wanted to rile him up mixed- it ended up in you both being put into custody.

All you wanted to do was take Jinyoung out of your shared apartment for a few hours. He had locked himself up all break with work and the only time he left the apartment was to attend to his job. He seemed so stressed lately so you didn't see the harm in taking him out for some drinks.

Jinyoung wasn't really the confrontational type if it sizzled down to it. Although, he has never been the type that was too scared to finish anything if someone else started it. In this case, a tipsy guy in a bar had grabbed your ass and Jinyoung wasn't having any of it.

You remembered it vividly. The look in Jinyoung's eyes when he turned around to confront him replayed in your mind. When you tried to psuh against him, in hopes of the certain fate being avoided, you had never felt him so tense. It was like watching Bruce Banner evolve into the Hulk in person.

It was scary to say the least. Drinks were thrown along with punches. Jinyoung had beat the guy so bad he was charged with assault.

You were lucky that your brother worked at the police department, and that you both could smooth-talk your way out of anything serious or it would've gone on Jinyoung's record.

"Alright you two, you guys can go home to the comfort of your beds." Your brother unlocked the both of your cells. You gave him a thank you pat. The thought of this all being your fault setting in on you. You avoided Jinyoung's eyes as you both started to leave the block. Channeling your vision to his bruised and bloodied knuckles. You couldn't help but cringe.

Of course you had to be the one take Jinyoung away from his comfort place. Your actions made him act out of character, and you felt so bad for that.

"Be careful, guys." Is the last thing you heard before you and Jinyoung exited the police station. You guys went to the nearest bus stop and filled the free bus bench. Jinyoung sighed and craned his neck up to the sky.

You gazed over to him. He looked even more stressed than he did when he went out this evening. Well, of course he does, he was fucking arrested idiot, you jabbed at yourself.

"I'm sorry." You whispered, your words vanishing into the cool air and forming clouds. Your eyes began to well up with tears. Your body felt like it weighed ten times heavier and your head began to feel lighter and lighter by the second.

"What?" Jinyoung inquired. His eyes darted to you immediately after hearing the literal quiver in your voice. Jinyoung looked at you just in time to notice the first fresh tear roll down your cheek. With that, he sighed and scooted closer to you.

Throwing his arm over you, Jinyoung pulled you into his side. Letting your rest your full but empty head on his shoulder.

"I said," You spoke a notch louder. "I'm sorry." Yet, your tone mellowed out into a soft whisper. Having a short sob follow after.

You continued to sob harder onto his wool coat. And that only caused Jinyoung to pull you closer into him. Additionally wrapping his other arm around your shuttering frame. He had never experienced a breakdown from you before. In your eight months of sharing an apartment you had never shown a slither of weakness in front of him. Always locking yourself in your room if you needed to let off steam or take time for yourself.

You never gave Jinyoung a chance to be there for you. You never gave him a chance to be that shoulder to cry on since you had always been that for yourself. Through your clouded thoughts, you could decipher one thing and that was that you actually liked Jinyoung as comfort.

He was skilled. He rubbed the places he could get to that hurt- and that was everything for you in that moment, Jinyoung took the opportunity to whisper the sweetest words into your ears- reassuring you that nothing and absoulutely nothing that happened tonight was your fault, he was present and warm. Jinyoung knew how to care.

He wasn't upset with you, he didn't scold you wearing a short dress, known of that slipped from his lips. Only heart filled phrases and kind words that slid off his tongue like warm butter.

Despite his nice words, you still had self-pity." I shouldn't have taken you out tonight. I- I was also the reason you got in-" You sniffled and stammered.

"Don't say that!" Jinyoung exclaimed, strengthening his grip on you.

"It will never, ever be your fault for what he did to you. You hear me?" He whispered into your ear causing you to respond with a weak nod. You were thankful you weren't experiencing this alone, thankful for Jinyoung.

No other chirps had erupted from the both of you for a rounded fifteen minutes. Your body and mind had settled down. Jinyoung still maintained his hold on you and showed no signs of letting go of you.

He recognized that your tears had stopped falling and thought it'd be a great time to bring some light to the situation. "Before it all went down, I didn't mind going out. Especially with you, you make it more fun." Jinyoung giggled causing you to laugh as well.

"I had fun. Trust me, ___." Jinyoung whispered. you gazed up at him.

"Thank you, Jinyoung," You cleared your dry throat. "I really appreaciate you comforting me." You spoke in a pout.

A habit Jinyoung never missed when your face was all puffy. He couldn't help but recall in his mind that time you returned from getting your wisdom teeth removed. That's exactly how you looked right now. Just with tear trails.

Absentmindedly, Jinyoung brought the back of his right hand to wipe off your damp cheeks. "It's no problem, ___. Roommates stick together, am I right?" He grinned. You smiled, "Thought you'd consider me as a friend by now." You joked.

Jinyoung scoffed, this time it was lighthearted and not downright judgemental. "I do. Seriously, besides being an ace roommate you're an amazing friend. I couldn't ask for anyone better to share a bathroom with." Jinyoung cradled your face softly.

"I swear you yelled at me yesterday for leaving my make up on the bathroom counter."

"That was yesterday."


don't know much about how the justice system works. so, if you do feel free to correct me and i'll change it.

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