disarray • b.b

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warnings: fluff and comedy

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warnings: fluff and comedy

"So, today's our anniversary," You broke the silence between you and Bambam as you two were watching a movie.

You felt his body hum against your face from your position of laying your head on his chest. Taking that as a signal to continue, "And I think we should do something different from the past two years."

"What? I thought you liked that restaurant?" Bambam asked. You shifted your head on his chest, looking up at him while he was already gazing down at you in confusion.

"I do, but come on," You frowned.

"Okay," Bambam sat up, you coming up as well and sitting upright.

"What's your plan?"

You smirked. Jackson had suggested that you two eat in for a change. Bambam had a thing for taking you out to expensive restaurants for every single occasion and you agreed that you guys needed to do something different. You took Jackson's advice and bought a meal for you both to make together. Neither of you cooked much but that's what made this fun.

"I want us to make our own dinner tonight." You finally said, taking his hands into yours.

Bambam smiled awkwardly. Obviously not on board with this idea yet. "Bam, it'll be fun," You continued to try and egg him on.

"I don't know. What would we even make? We don't buy groceries..." Bambam acknowledged the fact that you guys aren't cookers.

"And that's why I went out and bought us some. So," You gripped his hands.

"What do you say?"

Bambam took a second to ponder while looking around the living room. You watched him eagerly, awaiting for his response. You had even started swaying in your spot as you grew more and more anxious.

Bambam took notice and laughed. "Okay, okay. I say... if we burn down this kitchen I'm blaming you."

You giggled. "Deal."

You had purchased the ingredients for chicken alfredo. It seemed easy and less prone to disaster. You let Bambam started on the noodles while you worked on the chicken. Something you actually knew how to do, and how could Bambam mess up noodles.

"What if it's gross?" Bambam asked, you had already hopped out of his lap and were trying to yank him up as well.

You let out a tsk. "Trust me. Nothing can go wrong with this recipe,"

You held your head in your hands as something had just gone wrong. Bambam was hunched over, shaking in silent laughter as a sad chicken breast laid on the tiled floor. With a lack of communication, you two had bumped into each other and it went flying off of your cutting board. Now you guys only had one chicken breast, to share.

"Bam," You inhaled, trying to your best to keep serious and contrast from him. He continued to walk around the kitchen, a slow clap following each of his steps.

"I have tears in my eyes, oh my God," He heaved, finally getting some control as he swiped under his eyes. It took a couple sniffles and giggles before he was back on the other side of island with you. He did the honors of picking of the chicken and throwing it away.

A peck was placed onto your cheek, causing your smile to come out of hiding. "Sorry, baby, you can have the other one," he said.

"No, no," You shook your head, wiping your hands off on your apron. "We'll just share it, split it in half. Now, how are the noodles?"

You almost went faint when you saw all the color in Bambam's face drain when you mentioned what he was supposed to be monitoring. His line of curses let you know that they were done for. Unfortunately, it was also your guys's only pack, now it was down the drain.

"Nothing could make this situation any worse," you muttered to yourself. Bambam laughed, coiling his arms around you.

"I'm sorry," a gentle kiss landed on your shoulder.

"At least we have this chicken breast left," Bambam took a half of the breast your were cutting and held it in his hands, letting you go. But before you could warn him not to drop that as well, it had already sounded with a plop on the ground.

Leaving a half of chicken breast left. You couldn't believe it. There was a way you two could've messed this dinner up. Bambam bit back his laughter, feeling bad for causing all the chaos.

"I'll go get the takeout menu..." he mumbled.


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