change of heart • k.yg

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warnings: fluff, mentions of yugyeom being a brat, model!yugyeom, and i believe this is a drabble

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warnings: fluff, mentions of yugyeom being a brat, model!yugyeom, and i believe this is a drabble

Your jaw slacked open in disbelief. You couldn't believe what your agent was telling you. Luckily she was just as shocked as you were.

"They want me to work with Kim Yugyeom? Out of all the photographers in the world they want me to work with him?" No, this wasn't you being starstruck.

Kim Yugyeom, thee infamous Kim Yugyeom, who was born into wealth and a family with amazing genes. Those two things kickstarted his career as a model. And oh boy did every photographer rebuke the day he decided that would be his career path. Kim was known for being a brat. It was most definitely from his upbringing but he could be blamed too.

He had an arrogant personality and the fattest ego you had ever seen. You haven't met him- yet- but you could tell he was just beauty on the outside and pure ugly on the inside. At least that's what all your colleagues that have worked with him have said.

The only thing you for sure knew about with working with Yugyeom was that your pay would be good. And that's exactly what you needed.

"Listen, you already know he's going to be a handful so just take that into consideration and get the job done. Simple." You agent said, you nodded your head in agreement.

"He can't be that bad, right?"

You were definitely balding, or maybe it was just the thought of wanting to rip your hair out was giving you that illusion. Currently you paced in the family bathroom of the company you were photographing in. The company you were photographing Kim Yugyeom in to be more specific.

So far he has paused the shoot several times to either take a call or get a snack, not cooperated with you on multiple occasions, and to put the cherry on top of that he was two hours late to the shoot anyway.

How could someone lack this much manners?

"With all the money his family has you'd think they'd at least pay someone to teach him home training.." You mumbled to yourself, deciding to finally exit the bathroom and return to the shoot after your break.

To your surprise, Yugyeom sat quietly on the set piece you were supposed to be photographing him on. Completely still, it was like someone had threatened him to be there. You giggled at the thought before prepping yourself again with your camera.

"Ready?" You asked, sounding drained. And that's because you were.

Yugyeom just nodded. You had to take a second to look around the room to make sure there wasn't anyone with a weapon around. You enjoyed his attitude as of now but it was really freaking you out. Why all of a sudden was acting like.. a normal human being?

The shoot proceeded smoothly. The photos came out beautifully. Thanks to your camera work and just the sheer fact Yugyeom was so handsome and photogenic.

The whole studio was being packed up while you stood by the snack table. Debating whether you should eat a bowl of cereal for dinner or actually opt for a real meal. It was a difficult decision.

"Hey," You jumped at the sound of a voice behind you. But you recognized it. Becoming familiar with it throughout the day.

You got your eye roll out of the way before turning around to face Yugyeom. "Yes, Mister Kim?" You addressed him formally, swallowing back your pride.

Your fake smile dropped when he snickered. "Please, call me Yugyeom,"

Your eyebrows furrowed. "But you made me call you that earlier-"

"I know what I did," Yugyeom interrupted. "And I came over to apologize." Your eyes gaped to the size of saucers when you heard those words tumble from his lips.

"Woah. Didn't know you had that ability in you," You said lowly. Having to fight back a smile as Yugyeom smiled smugly at your remark.

You watched him inhale deeply. "I was an asshole more than usual today, and I noticed I was causing you stress. Somehow, I started to feel bad for stressing you out. So, now I'm here, apologizing."

You nodded. Obviously this wasn't something Yugyeom did often. From what you've heard this wasn't something he did often. So, why was this situation any different?

"Is there anything else, Yugyeom?" You tilted your head.

Yugyeom's smile deepened. "You're probably going to say no, but I was wondering if I could take you to dinner." He inquired.

Your artificial facade disappeared when your eyes widened again for the second time in this conversation. Yugyeom- Kim Yugyeom wanted to take you out on a date. What the hell?

His request made you flustered and you broke the ongoing staring contest you both were holding, letting him win.

"You," You started. "Want to take me on a date?" Stupidly pointing at yourself while you tried to register what was happening.

Yugyeom narrowed his eyes, an endearing laugh passing his lips. "I believe that's what I said." The smile you were fighting back before won and you showcased a bashful grin.

"Okay," You nodded. You didn't know why you were so onboard with this idea.

"Okay?" Yugyeom repeated, taking slow steps backwards.

You scoffed. "Yes, I'll go on a date with you."

"Okay, it's a date."


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