never have i ever • j.w

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warnings: drabble, mutual pining, and fluff

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warnings: drabble, mutual pining, and fluff

"This movie is boring..." Jackson suddenly said and proceeded to turn off said movie. You sat in shock for a moment before shrugging in agreement.

"Then what do you want to do instead?" You pulled your legs into your body and turned to him. Jackson hummed, glancing over at your balcony where rain was pouring down outside. That's the reason you two were watching that trashy movie in the first place.

Originally you two were going to go hang out with some of your other friends but then it started pouring and they advised everyone not to be on the roads since they were too slick. Which meant Jackson had to stay in your apartment till it cleared.

Which was amazing for you since you had an tiny, little crush on him. Absolutely amazing for you as you had to sit through his laughter and his overall aura that you had fallen for. Luckily you were playing off perfectly, at least you hope you were.

"Wanna play never have I ever?" He suggested.

You furrowed your eyebrows at him like he had just asked the stupidest question ever. "Jackson, I know everything there is to know about you?"

Jackson scoffed. "It'll be like a refresher. Plus, I don't see you coming up with any bright ideas..." He fired.

"Ooooooh, okay, fine," You nodded at his shot at you before putting ten fingers up.

It went on smoothly for about several minutes. But when you noticed Jackson had more fingers than you is when you started to rock the boat.

"Never have I ever... had a crush on someone in a friend?" Your finger immediately went down but your eyes didn't let Jackson's finger go unseen.

"Really now?" You asked in shock.

Jackson laughed. "We all have at some point." He said, obviously trying to dodge.

"Wait, was it in our friend group?" Your curiosity got the best of you and you just wanted to know if Jackson had had a crush on your best friend or not.

"That's not how this game works, alright?" Jackson said.

"Fine, you go,"

Jackson cleared his throat. "Never have I ever laughed at something I wasn't supposed to..."

Both of your fingers went down. Leaving you at a total of two and Jackson with three.

"We all have at some point," You sneered with the intent of mimicking Jackson. He gave you a dull stare that made you snicker.

"Alright, never have I ever had a crush on someone in our friend group?" Your second finger went down but the smirk on your face grew wider when you saw Jackson's finger flick down as well.

"Woah, let me guess," You said. "Jinyoung?"

Jackson scrunched his face up in distaste. "That's my brother you're talking about..."

"So no," You let out a tsk.

"Can we skip over this?" Jackson whined.

"No, I wanna know!" You shifted in your space, getting yourself more comfortable.

"Ally?" You wiggled your eyebrows.

Jackson shook his head. "No, but let's not forget the fact you put down your fingers too!" He exclaimed, taking another shot at you.

"Let's switch the topic!" You exclaimed back.

"Okay, but since you wanna ask questions... never have I ever had a crush on a friend and told them," Both of your fingers stood.

"Whimp," You muttered.

"You literally haven't- okay,"

"Never have I ever crush on a friend for longer than five years?" Your crush on Jackson started six years ago to be exact, but you were surprised to see his finger still standing.

"So, that eliminates Christina..." You whispered more-so to yourself. Technically, that only really left you. You knew Jackson saw everyone else as his brothers or his family in general and then there was you.

"Never have I ever had a crush on the person sitting right next to me..." Jackson mumbled, putting all his fingers down even though he should've still had one up.

Your last finger fell while your heart raced in your chest. "Well, this game went well-" You were interrupted when Jackson cupped your jaw and brought your lips to meet his.

It was gentle, nothing too passionate. But it still felt loving. It still felt warm. You just had to smile into it, garnering a smile against your lips as well.

Jackson pulled away, hands still cupping your jaw. "I think I won that game,"



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