Who asked out who (characters)

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Hope: Hope asked you out via a dream you confronted her about it the next day. She replied with "I did I am sorry if I creeped you out-," You just smiled at her and spoke in a soft tone "I have liked you for a really long time and no I did not creep me out!" You went out to the lake and had a picnic.

Josie: You asked out Josie after your sister broke her heart. You told her it was a chance to view the Parks in a different way and she agreed.

Lizzie: Lizzie had yet another mental break down and you were concerned about her. You asked her what it was about and she told you " I was scared to ask you to go out with me and I just think your gonna say n-," You interrupted Lizzie babbling by kissing her. " I take that as a yes?" She sniffled, still shocked. "That's a yes Lizzie!"

Penelope: You did a spell that Penelope taught you. It made words with fire whatever you want so once you perfected this you showed her. You spelt out will you go out with me on the ground outside the school. She said yes obviously!
Rafael: Jed was sick somehow so you were in charge ya know being the Alpha's little sister. You said we were gonna do some partner Drills you assigned partners and Rafael was with you. You were planning asking him to go out with you, but he beat you to it. "Y/N?" Rafael asked you nervously sweating. "Yes Rafael?" You were blushing hopefully he didn't notice "Will you go out with me!" He blurted out everyone looked at home, you said yes.You   guys went back to drills and you kept flirting with each other.

Landon: After you helped Landon with his problems with Jed you guys became great friends. You guys were walking around in town trying to seem like normal kids. He just stopped walking and turned to you, "Landon everything okay?" You said your face turning concerned. "I....um have-to t-tell you..something." Landon stuttered. "What is it?" You were terrified of what was about to come out of his mouth. "Can you go out with me!" He said without the stutter and it was shocking you stood with your mouth wide open and he sighed and jumped up and kissed him. "OF COURSE!"

MG :MG asked Rafael if he could take you on a date him being your brother and all. He didn't realize you were right down the hallway and you could hear him. The next time saw him you told him you love to go out with him.

Jed: "H-Hey L/N!" He stuttered a little which was weird considering he was Jed! "Yeah Jed?" You turned to see Jed running up to you. "So.. we are having a wolf party at the Old Mill w-want to come?"
"Yeah of course it's a wolf party duh!" You giggled and he nervously chuckled. When you got there,there was no one there but there was a lot of
Y/F/C (Your favorite color) lights everywhere. "Jed?" You spoke almost in a whisper. Jed came out in a suit and flowers in his hands. "Jed what's going on?" You asked as you walked forward. "Y/N I wanted to ask you something for a long time will y-you......b-be my g-gir-lfriend?" Jed looked down he sighed like he expected you to say no. When he back up you were standing in front of him and you smiled and said "There is no reason for me to say no,"

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