{New sieries: Josie} Sercet

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I woke to the sound of breaking glass and yelling. I quickly got out of bed and got dressed into something more suitable for real life. I put on some light purple sweatpants and a white crop top and I walked out, "Mom?" I asked quietly the noise had died now there was no more yelling the house was silent. I walked down the long hallway reaching the kitchen instantly seeing the shattered glass on the kitchen floor. I stepped around it looking for my mother. This wasn't a new thing for me, my mother and stepfather Adam had fights like this often. It used to scare me but now I mostly just block it out but I had reached visibility of the living room. There was no step dad, usually he sat in that chair all day with blaring violent movies from the tv. Like I said silence in every corner of the house silence. "Mom?" I asked out again walking around the familiar house. I had reached their bedroom. It was always forbidden for me to go in. Apparently it was some rule Adam made up. I opened the door to find absolutely nothing, I was about to turn around when I heard the light sobbing of my mother. I quickly ran into the room and found my mother crying on the floor with a huge gash on her forehead. "Mom here come on let's get you up," I tried to help her up, " No no no no-" she began sobbing, "No come on mom you're gonna get up we need to you help come on," I pulled her up to her feet. I hooked her arm around my shoulder as I helped her to the doorway. We walked down the dark wood floor, I brought her to the table in the small dining room. "Mom your gonna be alright!" I told her as I ran to find the old house phone. It was no where it wasn't on the charger or by the sink where my mother usually leaves it when she talks to her friend Suzie from down the street. I darted to my room quickly trying to open my phone up to discover it was dead. I put on the charger and walked back out to my mother who was now on the floor attempting to crawl across the room. "Mom no no we gotta stay in our seats. I'm gonna call an ambulance okay?"I was attempting to pull her off the ground as she continued to sob louder and louder. I eventually got her in the chair and I went back to my room to see my phone was at 20 percent, good enough? I thought to myself. I walked back out dialing 911, "911 what's your emergency," A british woman answered the phone, " Hi um my mom is badly injured and we need help!" I told the woman as a tear slipped from my eye "What's your address hun?" I told her the address as soon as I did my step father walked in busting through the door. " What are you doing?" He yelled at me as I was still holding the phone to my ear. " Um nothing," I quickly hung up. " Oh look who decided to come out and join the living," He looked at my mother and his frown quickly turned to a sly grin. "Don't you dare touch her," I yelled at him, "I will and there's nothing you can do about it," He moved closer to me. He was unfortunately tall. "I called the police!" I yelled up at him, "You did what kid!" he had a fiery red look in his eyes. "I called the police and they should be here any second!" I backed up trying not to make it obvious that I was afraid of him. He rose his hand up in the air and the sirens were loud and blaring. I could see an ambulance and two police
cars. A man and woman got out of the police car and came up to the door, "We're gonna come in okay sweetie," I heard a woman voice through the door. Adam  was trying to play victim but no one bought it; they had their proof he would be going on trail next monday. Mom and I had been sent to the hospital that day they did some check ups on me with nothing but a scratch and some old bruises. My mom on the other hand had a concussion and her leg was broken along with her ankle and wrist was dislocated. Nothing too death worrying serious. I still don't understand why she ever dated Adam. He was never a good man so it makes no sense. He wasn't even good looking; he had no money so I can't even comprehend why my mom fell for him and right after my dad died too. Maybe it was so I would have a father but I highly doubt she doesn't have a care in the world about me anymore.
        It's the day of Adams' trial but he isn't even here, but how he has been in jail waiting for his trial. How is he not here? I'm also here alone today mom couldn't leave the hospital. I was lost in thought when, "Adam Chrisler has escaped his cell...." I couldn't hear anything after that I ran out of that courtroom. I ran 12 blocks to get to the hospital and I didn't even check in. I just ran to her room. "Mom!" I yelled as I ran into the white room. I saw the thing of my fears: my step dad messing with the IV he replaced with some kind of liquid and the monitor was going crazy. Her heart moved at a rapidly fast pace. I moved closer to the bed pushing the nurse button multiple times. A nurse came running into the room and she was horrified.
     The police were called and my step father was taken away.  I was so worried about my mom. She hasn't eaten anything in 2 days and her blood sugar is very low. I can't lose my mom, she is all I have. I sat in the hospital room and waited for my mom to wake up. I couldn't breathe. I have been crying for hours. Suddenly the sound of the heart monitor slowed ¨Mom?¨" I got up quickly rushing to her side. It kept slowing. I walked quickly to the door yelling for the nurse. She ran in with a doctor they tried for 3 hours to do anything to make her heart rate speed up. I had to sit outside in the waiting room.  The doctor came out and I got up quickly and he came up to me "Listen Y/n, do you have anyone else to stay with or go to?¨ he asked. ¨ I mean I could stay with a friend but is my mom okay?¨" I rushed my sentence, ¨ Your mom has fallen into a coma and she probably won't make it to super time,¨ My heart dropped to my stomach, my eyes water, tears daring to fall. I fell to the floor, everything was sinking in and tearing me apart. I couldn't breathe. My heart was racing. Then the tears fell and they didn't stop. The doctors attempted to calm me down but I didn't want it.  They couldn't save my mom so why are they asking me to calm down. I ran to the doors and they tried to stop me but I'm sure what happened but light bulbs blew and the doors swung open. What was happening! I had successfully gotten out of the hospital. I kept running tillI got tired and my tears that stained my face had dried. I  sat on the ground pulling my knees to my chest and I began rocking. I hoped, I dreamed, I prayed, that I would see my mom walk up to me that she would hold me. That she would say my name and talk about life with me. I wish I could smell the mix of her perfume and her signature pineapple breeze. My thoughts were swirling around in my head bouncing off the sides twisting and turning and before I knew it I was crying again. The thoughts moved curved until they were overtaken by the darkest thought yet....Adam. He was talking, drinking, hitting. I stood up and tried to get these thoughts out. I stood up and I sobbed out and the breeze picked the trees whipped and smacked in the autumn air.  I cried out again and again, my sobs getting louder and louder. The wind swirling around me as if I was in my own tornado. Thoughts are still twisting and swaying in my head, Mom, Adam, Drink, help, hit, doctors , hospital, your fault, can't escape, mom, Adam, drink, help, hit, doctors,hospital, your fault, can't escape, mom- "STOP!" I screamed out the wind came to a halt. It seemed as if everything was moving in slow motion. The windows on buildings broke, and things moved around once again the wind faster than ever. "What's happening to me!" I sobbed out again. In the distance I could see a man and a young woman walking closer to me. "Y/n!" The girl yelled, "Stay back!" I yelled I was afraid of hurting someone else. "We can help you!" She got closer, "Please stop!" The wind increased the leaves scattered on the road flying up to the air. "I'm sorry about this Y/n," She moved her hands in a very weird motion and her lips moved but I couldn't hear her. My eyelids felt heavy and then everything stopped and went dark.
            I woke up in a room I didn't recognize. It had wooden walls I was laying on a bed with a blue comforter on it. It was simply decorated with a mirror and other small furniture items. The door opened....
Im posting part 2 in a little bit but this is a new series for Josie hope y'all enjoy!

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