First I love you (characters)

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Hope: You called hope to your room one morning because you didn't fell good and she came right away. "Y/N/N (Your Nickname) you here?" She looked around "Right here Hopey," you coughed. She looked over at the pile of blankets on your bed in the corner of the room. "Aww baby what's wrong like how do you feel?" She places her hand on your head and she winced "ouch your literally burning up. "I feel like I am gonna puke I am cold off and on I have a cough and my nose is stuffy." You complained. "Aww my poor baby!" She hugged you, " I am gonna go get your dad your temperature can't be normal!" She said with a reassuring concern. She left the room soon returning with your father who told you just have a really bad fever. He left go make you some soup and he gave it to Hope. "Hope please take care of Y/N I have some Malavore research to do," Your dad told her and he gave a kiss on your forehead. The he left Hope fed you the soup slowly. " You know you don't have to take care of me right," you told her softly. "But I want to your my girlfriend now and I will do everything to make you feel better because I love you!" Hope added more power to her voice as she got closer to the end of her sentence. "I love you too Hope Thank you!"

Josie: You and Josie were practicing spells together and Josie did a spell that was to over powering for her. You tried to stop her but she wasn't waking from her trance. She fell to the floor, "JOSIE!" You screamed and dropped to the floor and shook her. "JOSIE WAKE UP PLEASE PLEASE!" You were sobbing and holding her. "JOSIE PLEASE WAKE UP WE NEED YOU HERE JOSIE ,LIZZIE NEEDS YOU, YOUR DAD NEEDS YOU, I NEED YOU!" You sobbed louder and Lizzie and Mr. Saltzman burst through the door and you whispered in her ear "I need you Josie I love you please come back I need you Joe," She woke up with a loud gasp and she turned to you and she looked around at everyone, she kissed you "I love you too!" She whispered.

Lizzie: Lizzie has a break down (sorry my only idea) Mr. Saltzman and Hope were off doing Malavore shit and Josie was god knows where. So it was up to you looked at her softly and you yelled calmly "Lizzie," She stopped breaking plates and looked at you. "Yes baby" She sniffled, " Lets go up to your room and we have a talk and calm down okay," you spoke while you softly tugged in her arm, she followed you. " Okay Lizzie what happened?" You looked at her with a soft smile. She sniffled one more time and spoke "Well I am just tired of my dad taking Hope on these death missions!" She started to get worked up again, so I wrapped her up in my arms and whispered things into her ears until by accident but I meant it "I love you" slipped out. Lizzie Sat up and looked at you and kissed you. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" She gave you a hug.

Penelope:  Penelope was planning on telling you for a while now and she made you a note that only you could read. When  you read it you ran into her dorm room and passionately kissed her. " I love you more!" You exclaimed and you had argument about who loved each other more. Penelope won obviously!

Rafael: You and Rafael were making out in the woods and was getting a little intense. He pulled away and he opened his mouth to say something but then stopped. He started kissing you again, but again he pulled away and he opened his mouth and words actually came out "Y/N can I need to talk to you about something really serious and I get it if you don't feel the same but........ I LOVE YOU Y/N!" You stood there for a moment with you mouth wide open and you finally found the voice to tell him that you loved him too.

Landon: You and Landon were writing songs in his room and you were gonna sing them to each other. Well what Landon didn't know was you were gonna sing a song about your true feelings. "Landon I finished!" You exclaimed looking up from you note pad. "Okay let's hear it!" He chuckled and he listened. (Your song is Bolded underline)
"Listen here listen here I got these feelings and I can't describe with words how I feel but the best I can do is say I love you" you sang and at the end Landon moved the guitar out his hands and passionately kissed you and pulled away. "I love you too!"

MG : It was the night of the full moon and MG asked you out on a couples date. "MG you know I want to but it's the full moon and you a vampire!" You looked at him and whined. "I know what if we go out around 5 and comeback around 6 it will just be starting to get dark," He smiled as he talked. " Alright fine!" You rolled your eyes playfully. That's exactly what you did you went on your date at 5 but it was darker then expected at 6. You could already feel the anger building up inside. "MG we have to leave now!" You said clenching your teeth. He obeyed and you two left. Hope helped Mr.Saltzman lock all the Wolves in their cages and helped chain them up. Then it happened you started to turn every bone in your body started to break and then it stopped you were a wolf and all of you were trying to break out of the cages. Soon enough you were free and you went to find something anything and you came across MG you attacked him. Not meaning to at all. When you woke back up now human you were next to MG and he was bleeding. You found a sweatshirt on the floor and you put it on. "MG are you okay?" You looked at him "Y/N is that you?" MG barely choked out. "Yes it's me Baby what happen-," you stopped in the middle of your sentence you knew what happened. "MG STAY HERE I WILL BE RIGHT BACK HOLD ON FOR ME OKAY HOLD ON!" You yelled the tears brimming in your eyes you ran to the school and you found Hope "HOPE I NEED YOUR HELP ITS MG!" I yelled the tears were falling down my face faster then I could talk. She followed me to where he was and she found a stick and she cut her hand. "Here MG drink," Hope said in a calming voice. He drank and the bite on his stomach started to disappear. Hope left us alone. "MG I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT I WAS DOING AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WOULD HAVE DONE IF I HURT YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" I cried and he kissed me "I love you too and it wasn't your fault okay," we hugged for a long time.

Jed: When Jed was around you he was big sweetheart. "Hey Y/N/N!" Jed said coming up and kissing your shoulder. "Hi Jed!" you turned around and held his shoulders. "So I got something really fun planned for tonight meet me at the Old Mill in two hours!" He told you and gave you a kiss. It's 6:30 so I should be about 8:30. You got there around 8:28 and the Mill was filled with lights just like the first time and Jed was holding flowers. I walked up to him and he kissed me. "I love you and I know it's kinda early but your the best thing that has ever happened to me Y/N I love you!" Jed opened his mouth and the words just poured out. "I love you too so much more than you know!" You kissed again.
1,372 words not including this part this took forever so I hope you guys liked it!💕

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