Our City (Volume 1)

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Warnings: I do not own or claim to own the original content to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Angel", the comics or any of the original characters from the "Buffyverse" all rights belong to Joss Whedon.

15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.

Faith found herself running through darkly lit underground tunnels her feet drenched by the sewer water her feet was running through while holding a new-born baby wrapped in blankets constantly looking back frantically before turning a corner to f...

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Faith found herself running through darkly lit underground tunnels her feet drenched by the sewer water her feet was running through while holding a new-born baby wrapped in blankets constantly looking back frantically before turning a corner to find Willow who is standing next to an opened portal anxiously awaiting her.

"Willow there's just far too many of the bastards if we go through that portal, they're only going to follow us." Faith said to her while trying to rock the recently awakened and loudly crying baby back to sleep.

"Then I guess we have no choice but to put the little guy through first and place him somewhere safely while we deal with the unwanted followers." Willow replied before taking the baby off Faith's hand and beginning to walk towards the opened portal.

"Don't worry I'll hold them off for as long as I can." Faith promised as she pulled out a wooden stake from her jacket pock while Willow ran through the portal with the baby in her arms.

Willow appeared from out of the other end of the portal with the crying baby boy still in her arms to find herself in a dark alleyway before looking for somewhere safe to place the baby so she could return to help the others.

"Well I'm definitely not going to win any best aunt award anytime soon for dumping my new-born nephew in some dank alleyway, but I promise aunt Willow will be right back the minute she and mummy slay the mean old monsters." Willow said to the baby boy as she took of her jacket, wrapped it around the baby and placed him on the ground. "We will be right back I promise."

The baby boy continued to cry louder and louder as Willow ran back through the opened portal to return to the underground tunnels finding Faith fighting with several vampires. Willow quickly summoned a sunlight ball instantly turning the vampires within the proximity to dust.

The joy didn't last long as the portal suddenly shut itself leaving no trace of it ever being there just in time for Buffy to appear running from around the corner.

"Willow where is the portal?" Buffy asked frantically. "Willow where is my son?"

"I don't know." A confused and heartbroken Willow replied.

A random brown-haired girl found herself running down a dark alleyway one night one like the alleyway in which Buffy's son was abandoned. The girl continued to look behind her truly terrified of whatever was chasing her until in a typical cliche fashion she found herself reaching a literal dead end only for the girl to laugh as fear fell from her face.

This girl was no ordinary girl she was a slayer and she had just lured a vampire into a trap believing she had the upper hand in the situation not truly knowing what she had just let herself in for.

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