B Normal Again

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Warnings: I do not own or claim to own the original content to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Angel", the comics or any of the original characters from the "Buffyverse" all rights belong to Joss Whedon.

15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.

Buffy, Faith and Willow remained within the underground sewer tunnels completely broken by their loss by Buffy's loss as Buffy stood there as a heartbroken mother with no idea where her son could be

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Buffy, Faith and Willow remained within the underground sewer tunnels completely broken by their loss by Buffy's loss as Buffy stood there as a heartbroken mother with no idea where her son could be.

"There's got to be some way to find him Willow some spell that you can do." Buffy cried. "He's my son Willow, my baby boy."

"I really wish there was some way of fixing this Buffy but when I opened that portal, I backed it up with another spell so if we came back and were captured by one of them whoever escaped would be safe." Willow explained to her as she shed tears of her own for her missing nephew.

"Find some way of reversing the spell Will find some way of opening the portal Willow I can't lose my son." Buffy sobbed as Faith remained silent clearly sympathizing for her friends. "He's just a baby and he's all alone."

"I'm so sorry Buffy I really am that spell was supposed to keep everyone safe." Willow apologised while trying to dry her tears.

"Safe," Buffy shouted, losing her temper with Willow. "How can my little boy be safe when we have no idea where the hell you dumped in? What if he's in some demonic dimension? What if he's already dead?"

"B Willow would never put the kid somewhere that wasn't safe," Faith told her fellow slayer in defense of the redheaded witch. "Wherever your boy is now I'm sure he's safe from the ones who tried to steal him."

"Faith I'm his mother I should be with him he's abandoned in some strange place probably crying for me and thinking I've just abandoned him." Buffy replied, heartbroken by the reality of her situation. "He's never going to grow up knowing that I loved him more than anything that I'd fight for him until my last breath. He's going to grow up alone thinking he was unloved."

"I know B," Faith said as she walked over to the blonde-haired slayer and placed her hand on her shoulder. "But wherever your son is he gets to grow up and live a life it sucks he isn't with you for now but at least he's safe from this madness."

"I'll look through every spell book search the worlds," Willow promised Buffy. "One way or another I will find your son and get him back to his mother."

"No, we can't go looking for him," Buffy replied while drying her tears. "Wherever he is I know you put him somewhere safe which means he's safe from them and if we start looking for him it gives Wolfram and Hart a chance to get their hands on him."

"I don't understand Buffy what you want me to do?" Asked a confused Willow.

"For Tristan's own safety we tell everyone that he died, and we mourn him and try our best to move on from losing him." Buffy revealed as her voice began to break. "If they think he's dead they will stop looking for him and he'll finally be safe from all this chaos."

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