Our City (Volume 2)

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Warnings: I do not own or claim to own the original content to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Angel", the comics or any of the original characters from the "Buffyverse" all rights belong to Joss Whedon.

15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.

15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F

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Buffy, Faith and Willow just stood there in the underground sewer tunnels completely stunned by what had just happened as they tried to fathom the notion that Buffy's baby boy was lost to a portal going somewhere that Willow couldn't remember the location to.

"What do you mean you don't know where the portal went too?" Faith asked the redheaded witch. "Can't you just open it back up?"

"I can't open up a portal if I don't know where or even when I'm opening a portal to." Willow revealed as tears formed in her eyes.

"You literally just went through the damn thing how could you have forgot the location and time already?" Faith quizzed her.

"She cast a spell so when the portal closed there'd be no way of anything coming after us to find him." Buffy cried as tears fall down her cheeks. "He was never supposed to go through the portal alone."

"There must be some way of tracking him." Faith replied. "There must be some way of getting your boy back Buffy."

"I could try a locating spell but there's no telling if Tristan is even in this dimension." Willow explained as tears began falling down her cheeks too, fearing she may have lost her nephew and taken Buffy's son from her forever.

"So, he's just gone?" Faith asked in complete disbelief to the situation as she looked over at a clearly broken Buffy.

Tristan and Faith walked into Tristan and Dante's demonic dive bar side by side and instantly Faith could see all the customers' eyes on her some demons looking at her with haters, some monsters looking at her with curiosity in their eyes and some vampires looking at her with simple hunger.

"I must admit I was a pretty big fan of your early work i.e. poisoning the vampire Angelus, torturing Buffy Summers and your work with Mayor Richard Wilkins albeit on the failed ascension." Tristan said to her as the two of them walked over to the bar counter. "Last I heard anything from you there was a Buffy body swap and the end of Sunnydale which you had some kind of involvement with although rumor has it, you're back playing on the good team these days."

"See that right there is why I tend not to like keeping people alive I mean tongues can't wag if they've been removed am I right?" Faith replied hoping Tristan would buy her bluff. "Word is out you the leader of this uprising in New York and I though I'd see if I could join the party."

"An uprising you say," Tristan responded with a stern poker face. "And just where did you here something of this topic?"

"You know as well as I do monsters just love to talk." Faith lied.

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