Buffy's Boy (Volume 2)

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Warnings: I do not own or claim to own the original content to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Angel", the comics or any of the original characters from the "Buffyverse" all rights belong to Joss Whedon.

15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.

Tristan Summers' once again managed to escape death proving to be quite like his biological mother Buffy Summers in that sense but this time it wasn't Drusilla who came to his rescue but instead two old faces from his past, his former best friend ...

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Tristan Summers' once again managed to escape death proving to be quite like his biological mother Buffy Summers in that sense but this time it wasn't Drusilla who came to his rescue but instead two old faces from his past, his former best friend turned bewitching enemy Mandi Jenkins and his first love Lucas Brown.

Over the years in which he had become strained from them both they had lived quite an interesting life apart from each other before coming to meet each other.

Mandi returned to her hometown of Riverborn after overcoming her magic addiction fueled by Drusilla and Dante desperate to start afresh and make amends for the things she made happen under Drusilla, Dante and even Tristan's influence while Lucas went from high school heart throb to full time member of a top secret organisation that Riley Finn had started which worked where trained soldiers worked with slayers, witches and werewolves to help protect the innocent.

Mandi and Lucas' paths intertwined once again when Lucas was hired to track down the former evil witch only to learn she had reformed and from there the two rekindled their friendship before finding love with each other which luckily for them Tristan had no clue about.

Mandi and Lucas started off as friends of Tristan before becoming strangers after Tristan to becoming friends without Tristan then lovers and now they were the ones who saved him from the rubble and Tristan's latest kidnappers.

"Where the hell am I?" An injured Tristan asked himself as he awoke to find himself chained to Mandi's bed in her bedroom only to look up to see Mandi and Lucas stood over the bed staring at them. "Oh god kill me now."

Tristan remained in chains bounded to Mandi's bed completely silent as Mandi and Lucas watched over him for several minutes as he got his head around the seriously distasteful nostalgia happening before his eyes straight after his showdown with his parents Buffy and Angel.

"So, are you going to tell me why I'm chained to your bed?" Tristan asked Mandi.

"I can't keep letting you just continue to hurt people." Mandi told him. "It's about time somebody deals with you."

"Well you quickly turned coat from the evil witch whose kill count was almost as high as my own." Tristan cruelly mocked her. "It's a little too late for you to play heroine now."

"Drusilla manipulated me she got me hooked on magic and then took advantage of that addiction just like she manipulated you." Mandi tried to explain to him. "She got you hooked on some delirious idea of addiction and she's been playing you ever since.

"It's hardly Drusilla's fault that you couldn't hack it with the big guys." Tristan scoffed at his former friend while noticing Lucas' silence. "And she never manipulated me."

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