Buffy's Boy (Volume 1)

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Warnings: I do not own or claim to own the original content to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Angel", the comics or any of the original characters from the "Buffyverse" all rights belong to Joss Whedon.

15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.

Buffy just sat there on the couch in her San Francisco apartment in complete disbelief by what Willow had just admitted to her

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Buffy just sat there on the couch in her San Francisco apartment in complete disbelief by what Willow had just admitted to her.

Losing Tristan wasn't the hardest day of Buffy's life everyday after it was as she was forced to endure for the last three years being a mother without her child while lying to the world about her son's fate the only thing getting through it all was hoping he was safe but now she had just been told that not only did her son grow up in the past but he had become a crazed killer.

"I know this is an awful lot to try and work your mind around, but I couldn't search for him without you Buffy." Willow admitted as she sat next to Buffy.

"So, this entire time he's been growing up in our timeline." Buffy replied still in shock by the news of her son. "I can't even imagine what could've happened to him to make him so bloody twisted to go out and hunt slayers he was supposed to be safe and now he's going around killing people."

"We should try our hardest not to think about that right now Buffy I've got a coven helping me with a locating spell and Faith is going to meet Angel to not only tell him his son isn't dead but he helped take his evil operation down." Willow said to her friend trying to prepare her for what was coming next. "We will find him and then I know you and Angel will get through to him somehow."

"Oh my god Angel," Buffy answered in horror. "I told him his child was dead I never thought we'd see Tristan again when I did and then I got you and Faith to lie for me he is going to hate me for this."

Buffy wasn't taking the news of her recently returned son very well but she definitely took it better than Angel did who had spent the last three years believing his son was dead until Faith had came to the Hyperion Hotel in Los Angeles where he once again resided to tell him not only did they lie about their son's death but that Tristan was his son.

"Angel just slow down for a second and let me explain." Faith pleaded with him as she followed him outside of the Hyperion Hotel, Angel clearly both in shock and furious by her, Buffy and Willow's lies about his own child.

"There's nothing I want to say to you right now Faith you of all people should never have kept this from me." He snapped at her as they both stood still outside of the hotel.

"I know I've messed up big time here, but Buffy trusted me and after all I've done to her in the past, I couldn't betray her trust again." Faith admitted to him.

"So instead you chose to betray me," Angel replied clearly heartbroken by her betrayal. "After everything we've been through together after what I wend through with Connor you kept this from me."

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