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          Non-Con Chapters are in this book this is your warning

I was in front of my apartment door, I really hope the landlord didn't change the locks; I haven't had time to pay, nor go to work as much with the whole Spider-Man.

          A sigh escaped my lips as I got the key from my pocket, "Please work." I muttered. Swiftly the key went in, I turned it and it unlocked causing me to let out a sigh of relief.

          I walked into the small cube like apartment, I felt like I was being watched when my suspicions were proved correct, "Hey Spidey!" Someone cheerfully greeted.

          I froze, nobody knew I was Spider-Man besides a few people; and that voice didn't sound like anyone of them. The light flickered on revealing someone in a red and black suit, "Deadpool." I breathed out still frozen.

          I slowly started walking backwards, I need to just say he's got the wrong person and he'll leave.
"Y-You have the wrong p-person." I looked at him with fearful eyes.

          "Nope, I'm pretty sure I got the right Baby boy." He got up from the bed and started walking towards me. "I couldn't forget that ass." It was evident he was smiling underneath his mask.

          I turned around to try and leave when I felt the front of his body press against the the back of mine, my ass on his crotch area. "Don't leave daddy here alone." He demanded huskily, placing his hands on my hips and squeezing causing a whimper to escape my lips.

          He flipped me around to where I was staring up at him, I tried to protest but I was too tired to do much beside push lightly. One of the hands on my hip lifted up as the other one moved to my ass and pulled me closer onto him.

          He lifted up his mask revealing a scared half of his face, my lips slowly parted. I felt a squeeze on my ass causing me to wince, before I knew it our lips were connected. My eyes were wide open, I didn't fully contemplate wether or not I should pull away.

          I decided to kiss back slowly, his lips were pressed against my soft lips, he licked the my bottom lip asking for entrance to which I obliged.

          His hand slowly moved up to the back of my head playing with my hair as he moved his thigh in the middle of my legs causing them to part.

          His warm tongue entered my mouth exploring every inch as our saliva mixed. The kiss intensified as he lifted one of my legs up causing me to be unbalanced as he pushed me up against a wall.

          A moan escaped me as he planted soft kisses on my collar bone, I arched my head back as his hand made it's way up my shirt; his touch making my body warm. My heart racing as he moved his hand over my stomach tracing circles.

          My breathing began to be uneven. He pulled my other leg up causing my legs to wrap around his torso as he smirked. I looked at him with lustful eyes.

          He brought one of his hands up to the side of my face caressing it, "You're so damn cute baby boy." He commented huskily, and lustful.


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