Chapter 1

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*Sneha Pov*

Cries! That’s all I am hearing around me when I stepped into my house. Our neighbors who live around our house are standing in the living room.

They all are giving me the same looks ‘Sympathy and Pity’. I passed them and felled on my knees infront of two only important people in my life who love me the most to no ends.

Those two left me forever and ever. Then I screamed with all the effort I can and shouted for them “Mom!”  “Dad!”

How can they leave me like this? I need them. I need my Mom’s love and Dad’s care.

Can I actually live without them?

Why did this happen to them?

With all these thoughts tears started falling from my eyes and took an oath to never stop.

*Few hours before*

Finally the exams are over! This is the thought I am having at present.

I am going home and leaving this hostel atleast for two months.

Yeah! I have to come again for final year but for now I am happy. I am going to see my parents.

They are coming to my college to pick me up at 1pm. I am just waiting for them.

My brother and his family lives in Mumbai. I miss him but I am sure he doesn’t. That is what happening for past 14years.

But Bhabhi she loves me so much. And those two trouble makers are so fun. I decided to visit them after I spend one month with my parents.

Then I can meet my crush again. God! He is like this perfect person. He is definitely prince charming and mine.

Mom and Dad still didn’t reached here. So I tried calling them but it is giving me as ‘Non-reachable’ reply.

I have this weird feeling. Please god! I just hope they are ok.

Then I got a call from my home’s land phone. Maybe they just forgot it or something I thought leaving a breath of relief. It’s ok I can go there on my own.

To tell this I lifted my phone but what I heard from Ramesh’s mother next just shook me off from the ground.

What she said is in bits and pieces but I can hear only these “Sneha! Your parents… there has been an accident…. Come home.” I just heard these and rushed to take some transport to go there immediately.

In one hour I am just standing infront of my house. I again called them while coming here and they said that they called my brother already and he is on his way.



Someone wrapped their hands around me and kept saying “Shh.. Sneha. We can understand.”

She may be some neighbor of ours.

I controlled a little and asked “How did this happen?”

“They left in a hurry to reach near you. Then after sometime we heard local news that there has been an accident. One of our neighbors happened to see them and immediately informed us.” Ramesh’s Mother said.

I couldn’t help myself and shouted again because they would have been alive if it wasn’t for me. Why god why?

It is already dark outside and I am just sitting beside my parents. Then I heard many cars reaching near our house.

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