Chapter 11

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*Sneha Pov*

Next day I woke at my usual time and got ready for morning shift.

When I went outside Bhai's house, I saw Samrat again standing there leaning on his car.

"Good morning Sneha!" he said after seeing me.

"Good morning!" I said and decided to leave calmly.

But he said "Come I will drop you."

"No thanks. I actually like walking in the mornings." I said.

"Can I walk with you?" he asked.

"Sure. Your wish!" I replied and he calmly followed me.

When we reached café, he said "I will leave after drinking one coffee."

I shrugged and entered the café and started my work.

I don't know how many he drank because after I finished my shift he left the café with me.

"What do you want Samrat?" I asked while walking towards our houses.

"Will you go out with me?" he asked blurting out.

I raised an eyebrow and then he continued saying "I mean I will just show you around another new place."

"As you can see I am actually busy Samrat. So I can't sorry." I replied and left him when he nodded.

I got freshen up and went downstairs to have breakfast.

When I was eating calmly Bhai asked "So.. Is that boy your friend?"

I am actually shocked that he wants to know about my life but I composed and said "Yup! He is my best friend."

That's it. He didn't say anything else.

After sometime I reached my college and I am presently sitting with my friends in the garden.

We all are just talking and then I saw Suresh lost in his thoughts looking at somewhere else.

"Suresh?" I called him few times but still didn't respond.

So I pushed him into the grass and them he shouted "What the hell Neha?"

"What the hell Suresh!?" I asked him.

"What happened to you?" I asked him confused.

"Oh nothing his crush is just going on a date with some boy." Arun said.

"Shut up!" Suresh shouted irritate.

"Who is she? Or is the person actually she in the first place?" I asked him teasingly.

But he didn't laugh so the matter must be serious.

"Does she know you like her?" I asked him in serious tone.

He nodded and I asked him confused "Then why is she going out with another boy?"

"Because I didn't tell her directly. But she knows." He replied.

"You are such an idiot! Now show her to me." I asked him.

"Why?" he asked me frowning.

"Just do it idiot!" I replied.

He glared at me and showed the girl.

Then I saw a girl sitting alone reading a book. She is actually very beautiful girl.

"What is her name?" I asked him.

"Sangeetha!" he replied with a smile.

I nodded and got up from my place. And started to go towards her ignoring his calls.

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