Chapter 19

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*Sneha Pov*

Next day I packed my stuff completely. As I started to leave everyone hugged me telling me how much they will miss me.

I too said the same. I will because I kind of got used to this life between them.

But I need to make my own too. Samrat just stayed a little far away. I rolled my eyes and went near him.

I hugged him and said "Don't be like that Samrat. I will miss you."

He hugged me back and said "I will too more than you know. Be careful ok."

"I will. Why are you saying that so many times?" I asked him after releasing.

"Because I will not be there near you." He replied.

I closed my eyes and nodded.

I kissed him on his forehead surprising both of us and left to go to my flat.

Bhai too came with me to look around and make sure of the safety measures.

"I will be fine Bhai." I said this line so many times and then he left me.

I still have some money left from my own savings and changed my flat until it felt like my home using that money.

Few days later we got our results and we all passed with good marks. I am sure we will get good jobs out there now.

Now I must go and hunt a job for myself.

After few days of trying there is no luck for me.

I mean I got some few jobs but it felt like it is not for me at all. So I searched some more.

One day when I was going out I got a call and I immediately thought it is Bhabhi because she calls me every day at this time.

I lifted and said "Hello Bhabhi! I am going again. I know you will say that is should slow down. But I should find a job immediately and which will be like for me."

I started rambling in a hurry as I was locking my door.

"Calm down Neha!" I heard Bhai telling me.

"Bhai?" I asked.

"Yes! And is it true that you are searching for a job?" He asked.

"Yeah! I will find it." I replied.

"I know you will. But why don't you join in our company?" He asked me.

"Bhai I would love to but I want to do this on my own. I am sure that you guys will treat me differently." I replied.

"So you will not?" He asked again.

"Nope!" I replied.

"Ok. But be careful ok." He said.

"Sure." I said. I am actually kind of getting irritated when everyone started saying be careful and all.

I will be ofcourse right.

Next day I called Virat. He lifted after few rings and said "Hello Beautiful!"

"Hello boyfriend!" I said.

"No matter how many times you say that it still feels amazing." He said sighing.

"Well it should." I said teasing.

"Very funny. So how is your job hunt going?" he asked.

"Utter flop!" I said.

"Don't worry you will get one." He said encouragingly.

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