Chapter 15

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*Sneha Pov*

Next day morning I decided to go to the café for morning shift. Bhai didn't know about this so I calmly informed Bhabhi and left.

Suresh actually got my vehicle repaired and brought to my home. So I used that as I am in no mood to walk.

To my luck when I returned Bhai is still in his room so he doesn't know about me going to the work.

While eating breakfast he tried to talk to me but I just ignored him and left to go to my college.

After returning from college I saw Samrat waiting for me but as usual I kind of ignored him and went inside to see Bhai.

"Can we talk Sneha?" he asked.

"Not now Bhai. I am actually leaving for work. I asked my boss to shift my duty to one hour before." I replied and started just rambling.

"You are not going there again Sneha. Just listen to me." he said pleadingly.

"I need to Bhai. I actually found a small flat for me. So I need to work to get enough money to pay the first installment rent for it." I said.

He immediately looked at me shocked. But I left him to go to café.

As promised my boss let me leave at 7pm only. But to my surprise I saw Bhai standing outside the café.

"Since when are you standing here Bhai?" I asked him after reaching near him.

"Since your decision just got sink into me." He replied.

"I can't change my decision Bhai." I said.

He nodded and asked "Can we talk?"

I think it is best to do this and get over it. So I nodded.

"We will sit in the park." He said leading me to the near park.

We sat there for sometime in silence.

I thought to break the silence but he said "When you born I first looked at you curiously, Mom said that I just became a big brother to a little girl."

"And dad said that from today onwards it is my responsibility to protect you. I felt so proud that day because I have a responsibility on me." He said chuckling.

I couldn't help but smile. "That is actually quite a work for six year old boy." I said.

"I enjoyed taking care of you. Do you know when you first stood I was there near you and no one else because Mom was busy in the kitchen and dad in office?" He asked.

"I know. Mom told me many times." I replied.

"When you stood up, I just shouted and jumped saying you actually love me more." He said looking at me.

"We were totally fine until I became friends with those six boys." He said sighing.

"You are wrong Bhai. We were even finer even after they entered our lives." I said correcting him.

"I still don't know what went wrong." He said.

"You just got more attached to them Bhai. They too did the same." I said shrugging.

"Which is our big mistake. You made each and every one of us realize our mistakes Sneha." He said

"But you hate me right?" I asked him.

"Why do you think like that?" he asked confused.

"When I got ill and that incident happened, you totally distanced yourself from me completely." I replied.

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