Chapter 22

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*Sneha Pov*


Anybody who knows what happened when I met Virat would have thought I immediately went near Samrat after reaching Mumbai.

Totally wrong because I didn't because I know when I step near him I will never be single anymore or I hope so.

It is already three months after Virat and I broke up and I decided to stay like this for some more time.

That decision is the result of present situation.

"Guys I already told you No means no." I told them for the hundredth time.

"Come on Neha. You are single and you need to do this." Suresh said.

"Guys just because I am single don't mean that I need to flirt with some stranger." I said huffing.

"He is not a stranger." Ram said.

"What?" I asked him as if he is crazy.

"Yeah he is not. Because we are looking at him for almost half n hour." He replied like it is the most logical answer anyone had given.

"I will not flirt with him." I said through my gritted teeth.

"Hey look it is Samrat!" Ankitha said out of nowhere.

"Where?" I asked turning around and searched the entire restaurant without leaving any space through my eyes.

Then I heard the laughs from behind me. I turned and glared at the seven people sitting behind me.

"That's it I am leaving." I said getting up.

"She is just scared." Arun said.

I looked at him raising an eyebrow and sat slowly infront of them.

"What should I do?" I asked them calmly.

All the boys excitedly said "You need to go near that person and flirt with him and bring us his phone number."

"Ok cool I will do it." I said and winked at Sangeetha.

She understood and I signaled towards Suresh and glass of water.

She nodded understanding and then I rubbed my hair in a style to make her understand.

She grinned and gave me thumps up and didn't let anyone see it.

"Go!" Krishna said.

"Wait let me check myself." I said rubbing my hair a little and smoothing my dress.

In the mean time Sangeetha while drinking water unexpectedly which is to others poured some on Suresh's head.

"What is this baby?" Suresh asked cleaning the water after looking at her.

"I am so sorry baby. Here let me clean it." She said and put her hands in his hair and started making the hairstyle like I want.

Remaining were about to tell him but I glared at them to keep quiet.

Then I slowly went near the person and said "Hi!"

He immediately looked up and said "Hi!"

"So can I sit here?" I asked him pouting.

"Sure." He said moving.

"I just want to come to the point. My friend is kind of you know screw lose. Now he is pushing me to ask your number." I said sadly rubbing my eyes.

"Where is he?" He asked me.

I turned and showed my group in which Suresh is sitting with a hairstyle of a small kid and the water is appearing like oil.

"Poor kid. Looks like he is stuck in his child hood." He said looking at suresh.

"Yeah!" I said.

"Here take this." He said giving me his visiting card.

"Thank you so much and don't worry we will destroy it after he sees it." I said getting up.

"You need not to. Why don't you keep it and give me a call?" He said winking.

My eyebrows just pulled up but I nodded and went to sit near my friends.

"Here." I said giving him the card.

"Wow Neha! You did good." Suresh said smiling.

"I know. All thanks to you." I said mumbling.

"So what should we do to this card?" Janaki asked.

"We should flush it in the toilet." I said glaring at it.

They all laughed and we continued to eat our food. After some time that man came near us and smiled.

"Get well soon kid." That man said with pity towards Suresh.

And he turned towards and said "Take care of your friend."

We all nodded and he left. With his going away we all burst into laughing and Suresh just looked at us confused.

"Why does everyone thinking me as a kid? First that Neha's Samrat and now this person." He said in total confusion.

I stopped myself from saying anything when he said that Samrat is mine like that.

I asked Ankitha to give him the small mirror.

He looked himself and shouted "What the hell guys?" and immediately removed the style.

"Baby I worked so hard with that style and you are removing it?" Sangeetha asked pouting.

We all burst into another laugh.

He looked at her and was about to say something but turned towards me saying "You must have made her do it. Now tell me what did you told him?"

I tried so much to explain them without bursting out laughing.

I still laughed but they just looked at me smiling.

"What happened?" I asked them.

"Now we are glad that you are not tensing about tomorrow." Suresh said smiling.

"Don't talk about it guys. I am shaking here." I said.

"Come on Sneha. It is just a meeting." Krishna said.

"Do you guys know what will happen if we will win this deal?" I asked them.

"We will become the new and strong rivals of Seven Corporations." Ram replied.

"And that company belongs to?" I asked again.

"Your brother and his friends." Krishna said.  

"Exactly!" I said.

"But Neha it is bound to happen when we thought about starting a company." Suresh said.

"I know but I thought we will be in completion for them in indirect way but this meeting will be setting a fire guys completely. And the important part is I am going to be the person who will present the project tomorrow." I said frowning.

"They will understand Sneha. If they didn't it is their loss." Janiki said squeezing my hand.

I hope so too........


I know i know i said there will be only Samrat and Samrat but Sneha's friend's Deserve this chap too much.

And new thought. 

Whenever i want to complete it a new thought just enters my mind and make me change the story and extend it a little bit more. But i hope you guys got a little entertained with this chap.

Sneha is staying back because she knows there will be no looking back when she get together with Samrat but she is just 21 let her enjoy a little i think.

Comment plz and vote.............................

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