Chapter 17

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*Sneha Pov*

After I told him my decision, we got into his car. He started driving after giving my Brother a call.

The whole drive filled with just silence. I don't want to break it at all.

I just pressed myself to the window and closed my eyes. I actually told him the truth before.

Now it is not about forgiving, because I did it way before. Even the remaining members too.

But it just kind of hurts you know whenever those words come again in my mind just by looking at them.

All is forgiven but not forgotten.

"Sneha!" I heard him calling me which brought me out of my thoughts.

I looked at him after opening my eyes and said "Yes?"

"We have reached." He replied.

I nodded and opened my seat belt and he called me again "Sneha?"

"What?" I asked him.

"Will you listen to me?" he asked.

I was about to say yes when we heard someone knocking on my side car window.

We both turned to saw Virat smiling at me and motioned me to come out.

I smiled back and came outside. He immediately placed his hand on my shoulder and dragged me.

"So Beautiful! How is life?" he asking me starting a conversation.

I smiled and started to tell him about my college, my friends and the café. He listened to everything.

"Hey where are the others?" I asked looking around.

"I brought you to the opposite side from where everyone is present." He replied.

I shook my head and just started to talk randomly.

He already got a job in a company in our home town itself. So after completing college he will join there.

"That's pretty cool. Congrats!" I said hugging him.

"Thanks. So what about you?" He asked.

"Hmmm. First I will complete my studies and then I will start my job hunt." I replied.

"If you don't get it immediately?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Then I will start a company with my friends." I replied immediately.

"Like brother like sister then." He said chuckling.

"Maybe." I said.

"So any boyfriend?" he asked after some time.

"Nope! What about you I mean girlfriend?" I asked him.

"At present nope." He replied.

I nodded and said "Let's go near them."

He nodded and we both went to the other side of the park.

"I thought when you guys said inside the city, we will go to some place you know important places or something. But not to a park." I said.

"We thought like that only but got feared with the hell of traffic so decided to come here." He said.

"It is actually good thing to do." I said.

He is quite fun to be around. I can talk about anything and everything.

He too does the same. I just want these two brothers to you know atleast patch up a little.

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