Chapter 3

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*Sneha Pov*

Next day morning I woke up little early than the time I need to wake these kids as instructed by their parents.

I shook them a little and said “Wake up kids.”

Do you all remember our statement to that call by our moms ‘Five more minutes mom!’

I think these kids just got more smart and said “Ten more minutes Aunty.”

Actually they did wake up after ten minutes. I dropped my nephews inside the house and I carried Dolly and Fateh and as for Rakesh he walked with me to their houses.

When I knocked at their doors, all the Bhabhi’s like I call them gave me a small smile and took them.

After all the kids are dropped I returned to my room. In one hour all the guys along with kids are ready for the day.

When my brother was about to leave I went near him and said “Bye. Have a nice day Bhai.”

He nodded and left. I even told this to remaining all and they all just nodded.

But the kids they gave me a group hugs and left to go to their school.

Bhabhi placed an arm on my shoulder and said “It will be fine.”

I nodded and didn’t believe her because it has been the same from many years.

“After sometime come downstairs we will have breakfast.” She said.

“Ok.” I said going inside my room.

I got ready in few minutes and had my breakfast with Bhabhi. Later she started cleaning her house and I went inside my room again.

I opened our family photo album which I brought from my home and opened it. I saw the photos of me when I was a baby.

In all those pictures my brother held me closely and smiled to the camera. I still remember how he always says that he is my protector when I was a kid.

He never left me alone whenever he wants to play. That was until he got six friends in his life.

Even after that he was the same and made the remaining join his ‘Protect Sneha campaign’.

He made them as my body guards. Thinking about it I couldn’t help but laugh.

He appointed Samrat as my personal body guard. I still remember the day when Samrat became my prince.


 I went near my brother crying who is playing with his friends. Hearing my cries they all immediately stopped playing and came near me.

“Why are you crying neha?” Bhai asked.

“He… he took…my toy and… he… pushed me.” I replied between sobs.

“Who?” Samrat asked.

“My..classmate. I don’t…know… his name.” I said.

“Let’s go.” Bhai said taking my hand and we all went to that boy’s house.

“I will go and deal with him.” Bhai said glaring at that boy.

“No I will teach him a lesson.” Samrat said and went near that boy.

I just saw Samrat shouting at that boy and the boy immediately gave my toy to him. Later he pushed the boy and came near us with my toy.

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