Chapter 23

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*Sneha Pov*

Next day I was getting ready for the meeting and suddenly all my friends gave me a surprise visit.

They all are already ready for the meeting.

I was about to go and change my dress then Janaki said "Wear a Saree."

"Why?" I asked her confused.

"So that you will look like a big girl." Suresh replied rolling his eyes.

"I am a big girl." I said frowning.

"You are but not for giving a major presentation big girl." Krishna said.

"Guys you are confusing me." I said looking at all of them.

"Neha! Just imagine your brother and his friends enter the conference room wearing suits and we all come in regular clothes. Who will be taken more seriously?" Suresh asked.

Then I looked at them properly and saw all the boys wearing suits and girls salwaar's.

"Ok I will also wear a Salwaar like the girls." I said going inside.

"If you wear a Saree it will be like we took a step ahead of them. Think about it." Ram said.

I groaned because they are actually right so I went inside and wore the Saree which Mom bought me but I never used.

When I came outside they all saw me wide eyed and then said I look good.

"You can carry a Saree really well I am impressed." Ankitha said.

"What's the big deal in it?" I asked shrugging.

"It is major big deal for all of us." She replied.

"You mean even for Suresh?" I asked with fake shock.

"Neha! You will never stop your teasing right?" He asked me glaring.

"Well I know that your mind is behind the yesterday's stunt." I said.

"You had your revenge right." He said.

"Nope there is still more." I said laughing at his expression.

"Ok guys. Come on lets go." Arun said dragging all the of us.

Always the punctuality freak!

After some time we are actually standing infront of the building.

When we reached the meeting room we saw that we are the first.

We all groaned but sat down and gave a last check to the presentation.

Few minutes later the Client entered and looked surprised seeing us.

"I am impressed!" He said sitting down.

We all looked at Arun to see looking proud of himself making us all shake our heads.

"So you all are bestfriends!" The Client stated not even asked.

"How do you know that Mr.Sam?" Suresh asked interestingly.

"Simple. You all are acting the same for everything." He replied laughing.

We all just talked about business and shared what we think about present economics. We tried our best to impress him.

"I will be back after few minutes." He said and left us alone.

We all have a big grins after he left because we all saw that he is impressed.

Then we heard the door opening and few steps coming near us.

"Neha! What are you doing here?" Bhai asked smiling.

I gulped and said "We are here for the meeting."

They all looked at us shocked.

"Didn't you guys know that our company is going to be the one against yours?" Suresh asked them.

"No we didn't know. We were just told that some new company is going to be against us but yours never came across our thoughts." Ramesh said.

We all immediately glared at the seven of them. They looked at us in confusion and understood what we were thinking.

Immediately Bhai said "No no he didn't mean it like that. You guys are not new in the business world anymore and even are famous already. So we thought the new company will be the one which had formed recently. We all know you guys are amazing."

We all nodded understanding their meaning.

"Do you guys know you all are looking like siblings?" Imran asked.

We all looked at him with confusion raising our brows.

"Yeah! Look again they did it." Ramesh said.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked them in confusion.

"You all are acting same for every action." Dinesh said.

"That's what I had observed but thought them as friends instead. Because in many pairs I saw love for one person in them." Mr.Sam said entering the room and sitting on the chair smiling at us.

All the pairs here blushed a little and I just chuckled at their faces.

What making me uneasy is Samrat having the same hard expression on his face from the time he entered inside.

"So shall we start?" Mr.Sam asked.

We all nodded and chose for the presentation to start with Bhai's Company.

Feroz is the one who is going to give the presentation and he started giving.

He is very good actually full in professional mode.

But I know we too have a chance in this so we all still have the confidence on our faces.

When it was our time I stood with a little nervousness and went near the front of the room to start.

Then I felt some one's very hard stare and turned around to see Samrat's darkened expression. I frowned and look down and then remembered that I am actually wearing a Saree.

I shook my head and started giving my presentation without stuttering and without showing my nervous feelings.

When it is finally over I saw my friends looking at me proudly and from my Bhai's side all are giving blank expressions.

After we sat down and switched on the lights.

"Do you guys know why did I chose a new company for this presentation?" Mr.Sam asked.

We all shook our heads in negative.

"Because I heard so much about this new company and saw it booming in just less than a year from the time it started. So I decided to give it a chance and test them." He replied his question.

"You guys passed the test and the deal is yours." He said and left the room after shaking our hands.

After he left we all jumped and hugged each other. Then I remember remaining people in the room and turned towards them.

They still have those stupid blank expressions and left the room.

Do they hate me now???

If they do I am going to kill them for sure................


I know again no samrat.

But i promise you that in next chap there is a lot of Samrat.....

I even completed writing it.

Again a small chap and next one will be the same. Because i cut it into half.

So Plz comment and vote..............

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