chapter 1(edited)

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(scarlet Kristof above)

Scarlet's POV

"Nanna! I'll be leavin' first!" I shouted so my grandmother could hear me.

"Okay, be careful, darling." She responded in her adorable old voice.

"Got it." I smiled and shook my head. "If you need anything, call me. Or ask Jenna to come and do it for you."

I grabbed my phone and bag then left the old apartment that my nanna had bought when she first took me in. Making my way towards the bus station as usual, I thought about my shift tonight at the bar. Eight sharp was the latest I could arrive, or my boss would be mad again.

After five minutes of waiting, the bus was finally here. I climbed on and sighed at the sight of no unoccupied seats. Like always, I grabbed onto a strap and bumped into the people behind me and in front of me for the next 45 minutes.

I arrived at work at 7:50 and signed my name in right away. I then rushed to my position at the Golden Night Club. It's a pretty popular place here in the city. Mostly rich people visit and by the end of the night, it can get massively packed.

I don't hate my job, but I don't like it either. I've made friends here and the pay isn't too bad. I also can pick and choose my shifts and the manager is amazing when he isn't being a bitch. Even the owner, Jack, is a good friend. The only big problem with working here are the men that often come here. Us female employees always have someone hitting on us. They seem to think that since they are rich they can have any girl they want in a snap of their lustful fingers. I hate that type of man. They disgust me. But women who throw themselves at those types of men are even more disgusting.

"Hey, Scar, you're early." Donna, my best friend of three years, said as she most likely finished serving some men their drinks in the VIP room as she carried an empty tray. I hate the VIP room the most.

"Yeah, my bus was early today. Let me go change into my uniform then I'll see you in a sec." She nodded and we parted ways. I greeted my co-workers and friends on my way to the breakroom.

Another bad thing about this job is probably the uniform as well. It consisted of a really short, black skirt and a white blouse missing a few buttons revealing way too much cleavage in my opinion. It makes sense why men hit on me and the others. I hate this kind of an outfit but I don't have much of a choice. I need this job so I can support my grandmother. In two days she will be admitted into a nursing home which is costing me a lot.

But she has to. With her getting older I can't take care of her properly. Through the years, she's lost all function in her legs. I have to be home all the time to take care of her. But I'm working two, sometimes three, jobs just to support us. I don't have the luxury of helping her out. The nursing home can look out for her while I am at work.

Once I was done changing, I went towards the bar where Ben was mixing drinks. Ben is my best guy friend. Donna being my best girl friend. Both have I known for three years. But Ben is like a big brother to me, a much needed big brother.

"Hey, Ben," I said as I walked towards him.

"Oh, Scar, right on time tonight, I see."

"Yeah, I hate being late. Anyway, any orders I should take?"

"Oh, yes. Please, Don hasn't come back yet, could you take this to room one in the VIP section and please be extra careful. Someone really big is sitting in there with Jack."

"Jack is here?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's sitting with the important body. So be extra careful, hon."

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