Daniel~ Vasovagal Syncope

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Vasovagal Syncope: when your heart rate and blood pressure drastically drop caused by something triggering (emotional distress) and can cause the person to faint.

I'm sorry I don't remember
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Third Persons P.O.V

It was a normal off day for the five boys. They were all going to spend time together, they all had different interests.

Jack liked skateboarding, Zach liked pulling pranks. Daniel loved making songs in his bedroom, as Corbyn adored researching about space. Lastly, Jonah enjoyed hiking up mountains and exploring.

Jonah, being the eldest, wanted to have a day where they were all together. Not going off on their own and getting lost.

"Come on boys, get off your lazy butts and let's go do something today" Jonah smiled at the four boys on the couch.

"Do we have too? But it's Sunday!" The boys protested.

"I don't care, let's all go on a hike" Jonah smiled at the miserable boys.

All four boys let out sighs of protest but Jonah stopped them, telling them that he always does everything they like. So it's only fair they all do something Jonah likes.

That's how the boys ended up being half way up hill at half one in the afternoon.

"But Jonah! We've been walking hours" Zach complained, wiping sweat off from his forehead.

"We left the house thirty minutes ago, stop complaining and hurry up. I want to see the sunset" Jonah laughed, as he marched in front of his younger band mates.

The four boys kept whining until they were over half way up the hiking trail. A couple in their sixties had past them and Daniel overheard about the female having a heart condition.

All the dyed blonde wanted to do was turn about around and go home. He wanted to finish off the beat he was making, with some rare help from Zach.

"Daniel? Do you need to sit down, you're looking quite pale" Jack worriedly looked at the taller boy.

"He's right, Dani. We don't want you passing out on us" Corbyn gently nudged Daniel, laughing.

"I'm fine, it's probably just the heat" Daniel gave a fake smile.

Jonah offered the sweating blonde a bottle of water, which Daniel took small sips out of as they continued the hike.

The five boys were now almost halfway through with the hike, almost at the top of the mountain they had been dying to reach.

Daniel yawned as he wiped his forehead for the thousandth time. Jonah, Zach and Jack who were in front of Daniel turned to look at the blue eyed boy.

His complexion had gotten worse, his pupils were dilated as for his skin was pale. Corbyn, who was behind Daniel was rummaging through his backpack to get a cold bottle of water for the blonde.

"Corbyn" Jonah's eye's widened as he saw Daniels blue orbs roll back.

All four boys gasped as Corbyn caught Daniel in his warm grasp. Immediately, the other three boys rushed towards their two band mates.

They put the cold water bottles on the back of Daniels neck and cheeks, desperately trying to awaken the boy as quick as possible.

"See! I told you, Jonah and his stupid hikes would be the death of us" Zach angrily spoke.

"At least Jonah didn't overreact when we all got stuck in that elevator that one time" Jack defended the older man.

Jonah didn't pay any attention to the bickering boys, keeping the cool bottles against Daniels warm skin as Corbyn gently brushed the dyed brunettes hair with his fingers.

"That's not fair!" Zach argued.

"You were on the floor saying 'the airs getting thin, how long have we been in here for?' Zach! It wasn't even ten minutes!" Jack almost yelled.

Jonah rolled his eyes, taking his eyes off of Daniel and onto the two younger boys who were stood up.

"Will you two just shut up? I'm tired of you two always arguing. Grow a pair and come help us" Jonah sternly spoke to the seemingly immature boys.

A few moments later Daniels blue eyes fluttered open, he squinted and blinked as the sun was shining down on them.

"Hey bud" Jonah smiled "you passed out, drink some water"

Corbyn helped Daniel sit up, placing the younger boy in his lap as the dyed blonde chugged down the cool water.

"Thank you" Daniel smiled at his friends in appreciation.

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