Jonah- Substance Abuse

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Trigger Warning

This chapter involves drugs and alcohol overuse

sami2570 also helped write this, thank you too her 💙

Corbyn's P.O.V

We had all been working on the new album that would be dropping in July. Yes, we do still have seven months to finish since we have announced our break from posting on social media to make it less stressful for us.

Jonah and Daniel have been going out a lot more to clubs around LA, which doesn't bother me. Apart from whenever they do Daniel normally spends the night back at our place.

That's two people Eben and I have to take care of at three in the morning on a Saturday and Sunday.

Daniel hasn't been going out as often since he's spending more time with his family then going out to clubs.

I just wished Jonah could stay home more.


I heard the sound of the shower across the hall, the water was gently hitting the shower floor as I heard a constant mumbling from inside.

I slowly opened the door, seeing that the light was on but seemingly everyone who lives in our house was asleep.

"Jonah?" I whispered.

From behind the glass shower door, I could see Jonah sitting cross legged in the shower.

The boys brunette hair was soaking wet, including his now see through t- shirt and black skin tight jeans. Water poured down on Jonah's head as he had a permanent sad look on his face.

"What happened bubba?" I asked quietly, walking over to my older bandmate.

"It's sad" Jonah's doe eyes filled with sadness.

"What's sad?" I asked again, standing in the door frame of our walk in shower. Making sure I wasn't going to get wet from where I was standing.

Jonah pointed and looked up.

I smiled gently as I reached in and turned off the almost cold shower, the water was just about warm.

"Its all better" I smiled. "See? It's not sad anymore"

It was now obvious that Jonah was drunk again. I sighed once he started to shiver, I held out my hands for him to take.

Jonah stared at them for a moment, looking up at me. Reluctantly, he took hold as I carefully pulled him up to his feet.

I helped Jonah stumble out from inside the glass shower, grabbing the largest towel we have and wrapped it around my shivering bandmate.

"Come on, buddy. Let's get you all dry and into bed" I smile as I led him out of the bathroom and turning off the light.

Jonah stumbled and shivered as I finally reached his bedroom. I sat him down on his double bed and I walked to his closet to get him a warm hoodie and some comfortable bottoms to wear.

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