CHAPTER 11- Athena's POV

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Athena's POV

Why? Why?? WHY???

Why in the world did I have to go visit that barnacle beard dork?

He's been moping around about his son and now I have to COMFORT HIM???!!!

I had tried to debate my case to Zeus but he did not give in.

I still am unsure of WHY ME??!! I hate not knowing.

Anyways.... I met him at the beach (Really?). There he was just fishing away. He even looked stupid (well everyone looked stupid). Wearing Bermuda shorts in this weather?

I walked over to him. He turned once he saw me. I got a good look at his face. He looked like he had when his underwater castle was being attacked, 40 years older.

"How's Annabeth?" Barnacle Beard asked.

"Fine. Although I would have prefered it if she handn't started dating your annoying so--"

"They wanted to be together!"

"That's no excuse!"

"Of course it is! They actually LOVE each other!"

"He's no good for her!" I persisted.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that my daughter deserves better!"

"WHAT!!! You... you... Dang it! I can't think of a comeback."

I just stared at him. How could he not? I could think of about 10 for him just right now!

"Is that the only reason you came? To insult my son?" he demanded.

"I came here because Zeus ordered me to," I answered truthfully.

"It's just so difficult to know where he is but not be able to tell the others!" He confessed.

"Because you can't interfere directly with demigods' quests?"

"Yes," he replied miserably.

"You can't interfere DIRECTLY with their quest. That doesn't mean you can't leave little hints." I told him.

"How come I didn't think of that before?"

"Because you are not the goddess of wisdom." I commented.

"Will you help me?" he asked. "Because I am sure I wouldn't help much without the help of the wisdom goddess." he said sarcastically.

I laughed. It felt so good to laugh. I hadn't laughed in a long time and I was glad to let it out.

"No, really," he said his voice taking a much more serious tone. "Will you help me?"

I thought about how we had always had a rivalry. Or how we always seemed to be arguing about something.

Then I thought about the time we had worked together to create the chariot. He made the horses and I the chariot. I had always thought back on that with disgust but now I saw it in a new view. Together we had made something marvelous.

We had both wanted the same thing. Now we did too. He wanted Camp Half-Blood to find Percy because he was well, his son. I wanted them to find Percy, not for my own benefit, but I knew Annabeth would never be the same if she didn't find Percy.

"Okay," I said. "On one condition. I never catch you with Medusa again, and we won't be enemies. I think it is very unwise."

"Anything Miss Smarty-Queen," he smiled but I could tell he meant to keep his promise.

"Smarty-Queen? Really?" I joked.

He smiled, "I guess I'll just never live up to your standards."

"That's for sure!" I said as we started laughing.


So..... How was it? Do you like the Poseidon/Athena friendship? PLEASE comment! I dont care if you criticize me! I just love to look and see I have 10 unread mail messages! Comment-vote-fan!


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