Big Red

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A few days later Ford picks me up outside my small studio apartment, so we can head to Altoona. From what I understand during Road School we will teach FBI techniques to local law enforcement officers to hopefully help them solve more of their cold cases and other murders cases, before someone is able to become what we're calling a sequence killer. Ford is sweet enough to help me put my bags in the trunk, "why two bags?"

"Well, for starters, unlike men, women can't just change their tie and jacket to make a new outfit."

"Hey, I don't just change my jacket and tie."

"I didn't say you did, but most men do. You can't tell me if your button down doesn't get dirty, you don't wear it again before you wash it." 

"Okay, maybe you're right. But why can't women do that?"

"Holden, I wore the same top you met me in and you asked me if I wore it the day before."

"When did I do that?"

"Yesterday," I smirk.

Ford thinks for a moment, "okay, maybe you're right."

I nod and chuckle, "thank you."

"Doesn't mean I don't think it's unfair."

"No, it's completely unfair," Ford and I get into the car. "It's also unfair that I have to put on makeup to be taken seriously and you just roll out of bed before leaving the house."

"Damn," Ford shakes his head, "I didn't think about how hard it could be being a woman. I think I owe my girlfriend a thank you."

"I think you do too." I chuckle as we head off to Tench's place, when we pull up he is standing outside, smoking a cigarette. Before grabbing his bag he pokes his head inside, saying something to his wife.

As Tench picks up his suitcase and starts toward the car, Nancy and a young boy come outside. I didn't know Tench had a little boy, but he is adorable. Nancy places her hands on the boy's shoulders, "give your father a hug." Tench puts out his arms and waits for the boy to move toward him, but he doesn't. Soon Tench puts his arms down and walks over to the boy, kissing him on the head before heading to the car.

Tench puts his bag in the trunk of the car as I move to the back seat, "no, no, Nancy, you don't have to move."

"It's fine, Bill. This way I can stretch out," I smile over to him as I get in the back of the car and Bill gets into the passenger seat.

Ford looks forward, "ready?"

"Yep," Tench nods. As we head up to Altoona, we stop by a convenience store. Only Ford gets out and I look over to Tench, confused. He can see me in the rear view mirror, "Holden promised Rissell some Big Red."

"Gum or soda?"


I nod, "so we bribe them, that's how we get them to talk?"

"When you have ones that aren't as willing to talk as Kemper."

"I see. Are you sure that it's okay for me to go with you guys? I mean, these men..."

"Have raped and killed hundreds of women." Tench nods, "I know. That's why you will be a different cell, while Holden and I are in the main cell with Rissell. You'll be able to see and hear everything and we will be able to see and hear you. But this way if things go south, you'll be safe."

"And if that doesn't work?"

"Then we'll move you into the main room with us."

I nod and take a deep breath, "can I ask something else?"

"Sure," Tench turns to me a bit.

"Why did Holden pick me?"

"You know, I honestly don't know. When I told him to pick someone strong and hard headed, someone who wouldn't back down. I didn't think he'd come back with a woman." Tench and I chuckle, "but only time will tell if your place is with us or with Wendy." Tench pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath, "I looked over your file and it said you went to UVA before you joined the FBI."

"Yeah," I nod, "what's odd about that? I had to get General Educations out of the way first."

"That's not what's odd," Tench shakes his head, "your file said you were a double major. What was your other major?"


"Do you plan on continuing that line of study?"

"I think I already am."

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