Friends and Colleagues

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After we finish up with the classification of Kemper and Rissell, quickly coming to the solution that Kemper was much more organised than Rissell, Ford invited us all out to dinner with him and his girlfriend, Debbie. Carr and I agree to go with them, but Tench has promised the wife a night at home. Ford heads out before Carr and I, giving us a time and place to meet him the following evening. As Carr and I put away a few things she tries to make conversation, avoiding what happened earlier that evening, "so Holden has a girlfriend?"

I chuckle, "I know, I didn't think he was the dating kind, and from what I hear from Tench she is young."

"Holden's young, so are you."

"No, I mean, modern young. Holden and I are young, but mature."

"So, you two know the importance of hard work and put that above having fun and a social life."

"Pretty much," I nod as I sit on a desk, swinging my legs slightly. I glance around as an awkward silence falls upon us. 

"Listen, Nancy, I'm sorry about earlier."

"Oh, and here I thought we were avoiding that topic." I chuckle, "really, Wendy, it's fine."

"No, it's not. I should have thought about how the three of you feel about a case like this, how anyone would feel about a case like this. It's just if you guys don't do interviews, then I don't have anything to do here, other then twirl my thumbs, so when cases are picked over interviews, it makes it seem like the interviews aren't being taken seriously." I laugh, "what? What's so funny?"

"Wendy, we are focusing on the interviews more than anything else. Or at least as much as Tench will let us. I read the case reports and notes on the way to the prison and while we're on the road. I spent the whole time before and after the interview thinking of different questions I could have and should have asked. Holden, that poor guy, I don't know how he gets any sleep with all the information he takes in before an interview." I shake my head and take a deep breath, "look, we may be focused on this case right now, but I think it will help us get some insight on these guys. The boys may not want to believe it, but I think this guy is in the same field as Kemper and Rissell. I just have to prove it. And then, we will be back on Road School and Interviews, just like normal."

"Why do you think it was the fiancé?"

I pause for a moment, "because, Bill thinks it's a man with a married man's anger. Beverly wasn't married and while the only lead we have is married, he doesn't have that kind of anger, and..."

"You've seen that kind of anger in a relationship, without being married."

I nod, "exactly. How'd you guess?"

"Bill mentioned the comment you made in Altoona, about having experience in a situation involving domestic abuse, while you and Holden were in the hall."

I glance around, "yeah, you could say this case is hitting pretty close to home."

"Don't all of them?" Carr sits on the desk with me.

I shake my head, "no, because they didn't know the people they killed. They didn't beat them over the course of months or years before killing them."

"Nancy, if you ever need someone to talk to, you know you can always come to me, right?"

I nod, "thanks."

"Of course," Wendy looks around, "what are friends and colleagues for?" The two of us share a laugh. It doesn't take long for Carr and I to finish up for the night and head home.

When I get back to my apartment, I realize how similar it looks to some of the hotel rooms we stay in. I shrug, "it should make me feel more at home on the road then." I shake my head and chuckle as I head into the kitchen. I get a glass of water before heading into the bathroom, looking in the mirror. My makeup held up decently well, all things considered. I mean a car ride right to the bureau, after talking to Mrs. Moran, crying after the argument with Carr and then a fairly long night at the office, I could and have looked worse. I clean my makeup off my face, putting some moisturiser on after, before taking my hair down and brushing through it. I think about what I should do with my hair tomorrow night since I won't have to go into work since tomorrow is Saturday. I'm sure it'd throw Ford for a loop seeing my hair down. It's just easier to have it pinned back since I don't have short hair like Carr. Plus, it is a quicker and easier hairstyle, so I don't have to get up too early. As I think about different options for tomorrow, I brush my teeth before heading back to the main room and getting ready for bed. I know it sounds odd, but all I can think about as I fall asleep is Ford. Wondering what he's like outside of work, if he only invited me because I was in the room when he invited everyone else, what his girlfriend is like. Before I know it I am asleep, I can't remember much of my dream that night, I think it was a good one, but who knows.

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