1- Waiting

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**Hello, and welcome to the second book of A Peculiar Accident in Narnia. Thank you for reading the first book, I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoy this one! Now on with the story!**

-No one's pov-

It had been a year since the Pevensie's had left Narnia, and a year since they had been truly happy. They each had changed, none of them the same kid they were before they walked into the Wardrobe. They had left the Professors mansion after a month, and each one of them felt like they had left a part of themselves behind.

But things were going to change.

🔱Edmund pov🔱

I heard a knock at the door, and Lucy ran to answer it. I followed shortly behind her, wanting to see who it was. But it wasn't anyone I recognized.

He smiled down at Lucy and glanced at me. "Is this the Pevensie's residence?" He asks.

His hair was a brown, and he had a strange accent.

"It is, how can I help you?" Peter says, coming down the stairs.

The man looks up at Peter and then at Susan who came out of the kitchen. He cleared his throat and reached into his pocket.

"I'm looking for someone, a girl actually. And according to police records, she was sent to a Professor Krike's house during the Blitz. I need to find her, and I was wondering if you knew her, this is what she looks like." He says, before pulling g out a picture of YN and Victor.

I inhale sharply and clench my jaw. Lucy looks down, Peter sighs and Susan looks at the picture sadly. He sighs and slowly put the picture back in his pocket.

"I can tell that you do. Tell me, what happened? I need to tell her family, and I would rather like to tell the truth." He states.

I glare at him, scoffing. "Who are you?"

"I'm Abraham Portman, otherwise known as 'Abe'.  Now please, what happened?" Abe said.

~Time Skip~

It was strange, seeing someone that YN use to live with. Her sisters boyfriend, I believe that's what YN had told me. 

I sigh and look down at my hands. 'It's hard to forget about you Love. Your always on my mind, I can't help but wonder when I get to see you again.'

"Edmund, come on! We're going to be late!" I hear Lucy say from down stairs.

I sigh again and quickly grab my bag, and looking at my torch that was on the bed side table. I huff, and quickly shove it in my bag and run out the door. I sprint down the stairs and yell a 'bye Mum', before running out of the house. I dart across the street, dodging cars on the road. I notice Susan and Lucy up ahead going down the stairs for the train, and I squeeze past people to get to them faster.

But when I see a crowd forming on the stairs, I automatically know that it has something to do with Peter.

"Edmund No!" Susan yells as I move past her, and bring the other guy to the ground.

Peter looks at me, before he gets hit in the face. I feel a fist hit my stomach and I grunt, before hitting him across his jaw. I hear a whistle go off, and the crowd parts as the soldiers pull us all apart.

"Act your age." He says before walking away with the other boys.

Peter scoffs as I gather my bag and walk next to Lucy. "I had it handled." He says.

I roll my eyes.

"What was it about this time?" Susan asks.

I sit down on a bench waiting for the train to arrive. Peter sits next to me, then Susan then Lucy.

"He bumped into me." Peter stated.

I roll my eyes along with Lucy and Susan. "Really? You couldn't just walk away?"

Peter shakes his head. "No, he bumped into me, and then tried to make me apologize, that's when I punched him."

He sighs and for a brief moment, there's silence.

"I just wish that they would stop treating us like kids." He says.

I scoff and look at him. "We are kids."

He glares but Susan groans, making us look at her. "Quick, pretend your talking to me."

"Umm, we are talking to you." And she too glares at me.

Lucy suddenly jumps up and yelps in pain. "Something pinched me!"

I frown and then we all stand up as we feeling something familiar rush over us like water.

"It feels like . . . . Magic!" Lucy says happily.

We look ahead as the train suddenly comes rushing by. "Everyone grab hands!"

I look down and then up at Peter. "I'm not holding your hand!" I yell.

He rolls his eyes and grabs my arm as we all watch as the tiles start peeling off the wall's. Pepper starts flying and I had to close my eyes as it suddenly got brighter than the dark tunnel. The train noise slowly started to pass by and I opened my eyes. 

My heart skips a beat as I see the blue crystal waves crashing gently against the golden sand. I smile as I smell the fresh salty air, with a strange hint of berries in its

"We're back." I whisper, before we all start running towards the water. We start taking off our shoes and bags and jackets, before stepping into the ocean. Large smiles on our faces as we play in the water. Splashing each other happily as we feel what we've been longing for.

I look up as the cliffs and squint from the sun. My eyes adjust slightly, and I notice the ruins above the cliff.

"Where do you suppose we are?" I ask.

Everyone stops and looks around. "I mean, I don't remember any ruins in Narnia." I point out.

They nod and Peter starts walking out, heading for his shoes. "Lets find out shall we?"

~Short time skip~

We finally reached the top of the cliffs, we split up and I notice an Apple tree. I skipped breakfast, so I grabbed an Apple before walking off. I head back towards Lucy and Susan, and notice Susan holding up a golden chess piece.

"Hey, that's from my chess set." I said, taking it from her and studying the craftsmanship.

"Which one?" Peter jokes.

I roll my eyes and chuckle. "Well, we didn't exactly have a golden chess set in Finchley did we?" 

He nods and chuckles, as Lucy gasps.

"It can't be." She whispers, before walking up ahead. 

We follow after her, and I automatically notice a throne above three steps. Lucy was looking down at it, before turning and grabbing Peter's hand. She dragged him to the left of the chair, and pushed Susan to the right of it. She looked at me, and pulled me next to Peter, before walking to Susan's side.

"Imagine wall's, columns, and a glass roof." She whispers.

My eyes widen and I look at the throne, the only throne standing. I walk past Peter and stand next to it. I carefully raise my right hand and brush the dust off the back of the chair. Tears prick my eyes as I notice the familiar phoenix imprint.

"Cair Paravel." Peter whispers.

We all glance at one another, a single question flowing though our minds.

'What happened?'

The Phoenix Flower {Edmund Pevensie x reader}Where stories live. Discover now