2- The Lost

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-No one's pov-

"Who would attack Cair Paravel?! Why?" Susan asked aloud.

Peter shakes his head and sighs. "I don't know. How long do you think we've been gone for? For Cair Paravel to look like this?" Peter asks.

Lucy looks down a balcony and shakes her head. "Longer than we thought." She mumbled.

"Peter, help me move this." Edmund says.

The brothers begin to move the stone wall, revealing a door way. Peter sighs and begins to rip the bottom of his shirt. He grabs a stick and wraps the torn cloth around one end.

"Anyone got any matches?" He asks.

Edmund freezes before looking in his bag. He smirks and pulls out the torch. "No, but I have this."

Peter sighs with a smile. "Wish you would have told me that earlier Ed!"

Edmund chuckles and turns it on and begins to lead them down the dark stairs. They walk into a room and notice five statutes and five chests.

"Our things!" Lucy said sprinting to her chest with her older statue behind it.

Edmund hesitantly walks over to his chest, but his eyes glance over to the chest next to his. He then looks up at his statue and clenched his jaw as he notice YN by his side. His heart aches and he looks away.

'She's gone.'

🛡Prince Caspian🛡

"What about the Phoenix's? Are their any left?" I asked.

Trufflehunter sighs.

"The phoenix's, they are alive. But no one knows where they hide, and they refuse to come out of hiding." He said.

I frown. "But why? It's there fight too, they should be fighting with us. I've heard the stories about them fighting along side the Kings and Queens of old. Why won't they fight now?"

Nikabrik sighs. "That's precisely why they won't fight. Their Queen isn't here."

I shake my head in confusion. "I don't understand. Their Queen?"

Trufflehunter stops and turns and looks at me. "Queen YN. They always followed her, they loved her more than the other Kings and Queens. It was said that she had rode a Phoenix into many battles, and that she herself had the powers of fire."

My eyes widen and I stop walking. "Powers of Fire? You mean she could hold fire and not get burned?"

He nods. "Yes. She was also the Queen who married Kind Edmund. But sadly days before the Kings and Queens had disappeared, she had fallen ill. And they left without her."

"But what happened to her?" I questioned.

Nikabrik groans. "No one knows. They're just rumors, no one knows where she went during the invasion of your kind!"

I ignore the last bit and look at Trufflehunter. "Surely there must be records or something about it?"

He shrugs and we continue walking in the forest.....

Before we got attacked.

🔱Edmund pov🔱

It was strange to be wearing Narnian clothes again. But it felt good having a sword again.

The dwarf, Trumpkin had lost the sword fight against me. But then again, I was the best sword fighter there was back in the good days.

"Your really them." He mutters, looking up at in amazement.

The Phoenix Flower {Edmund Pevensie x reader}Where stories live. Discover now