5- The Mistake

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🔱Edmund pov🔱

It was strange, riding on a phoenix. But it was fun, I learned that Blaze had a sense of humor. I couldn't help but wonder if YN felt like this. The adrenaline and happiness while she flew with Ruby.

"We're almost there Your Majesty." Blaze yells over the wind.

I nod, before yelling. "You remember the plan?"

I could see his head nod, before I look ahead at the castle that was growing in size as we approached.

"Stay hidden till the signal, then let them burn." I heard him say.

I shake my head. "Only the ones who shoot at us Blaze, not the innocent ones."

I heard him scoff before he mumbled an, 'alright.'

He slows down and turns so his feet catch us in the landing. I wince as his claws scrape against the rock floor.

"Thanks Blaze." I whisper, sliding off his back and landing safely on the ground.

He nods. "No problem."

He spreads his wings and shoots up into the clouds, and disappears.

I sigh and walk towards the wall and stand in position.

- Time Skip -

Everything was going wrong, the plan failed. Narnians were dying, and I didn't even know if Peter or Susan were alright or not.

I was cornered, on top of a tower with terlmarines banging on the other side of the door. I look down over the edge of the tower when I hear the door break behind me.

I see two terlmarins point crossbows at me and I felt my heart stop.

This is it.

I step up on the ledge, glancing down at the watery waves below when I notice something in the corner of my eye. I smirk and turn back towards them, and lean back.

Falling off the tower.

I flip over just in time to hold on to Blaze, as I land on his back.

"Your Crazy! You nearly killed yourself!" I heard him yell.

I chuckle. "I saw you coming, I knew you would catch me."

He scoffs. "Better hold on. It's about to get warmer." He says.

My eyes widen. "What-"

He shoots up and I feel my feet getting warm. I look down and see his tail on fire! We fly past the two Terlmarins on the tower and I bite the inside of my cheek to stop from screaming.

"Could have given me more warning!" I yell as he levels out, flying us over the city.

"Where's the fun in that."

I look down as we pass by and I hear Blaze sigh.

"The one thing we phoenix's never liked. Death of friends..... that's why we follow her. She would have found another way. That's what my mother and grandmother always said." I heard him say.

I purse my lips and nod, thinking about my wife. The one who I haven't seen in a year.

"She would have." I whisper.

- Time skip -

Peter said it was Caspain's fault. Caspian said it was Peter's fault. I didn't know who to blame.

I was in my 'room'  taking off my armor when I heard something. Something that made my heart freeze in fear.

Jadis. Her voice.

I grabbed my sword and ran out the door, and down the hall. Towards the stone table.

"Just a drop of blood."

She was there, somehow. A werewolf and a weird creture that I didn't know was there to. Along with Nikabrik.

I could feel rage boiling inside me. She couldn't come back. I had to stop it.

I ran around the back, hearing the wine of the were wolf as it died. I could hear the blood rushing in my ears and I raise my sword behind the ice wall, and stabbed her in the back.

She let out a scream and the ice began to shatter, before it fell to the floor. I looked down at Peter who was next to Caspian and glared.

"I know. You had it sorted." I mutter, before turning and walking away.

I glanced at Lucy as I passed and silent asked her if she was okay. She nodded and smiled slightly in return.

"Wait, look." Susan said.

I paused and looked and saw her pointing at the floor near the door.

"An Ice trail?" Lucy whispered, before rushing past me and following the ice.

I frown and follow after her, adrenaline still pumping inside of me. My grasp on my sword tightes as we walk down the hall before Lucy suddenly come to a halt.

"What is it Lucy?" I ask as I step to her side.

"The ice. It stops here. At the flowers."

I look down and then up. My breathing halts as I see the roses lining up and down the wall.

"Lucy, I don't think it stops here. I think it goes past. Stand back."

She steps aside and I point my sword at the roses. I slowly push against it and hear the snapping of branches, before it slides through swiftly.

I share a glance with Lucy and cut to the side.

"Edmund, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She asks.

I step back, and nod. "I think I am."

And with that, I raise my sword above my head and slash down ward. Snaps and cracks erupt from the branches as most of them fall to the ground.

I exhale heavily as I see a dark room hidden behind it and the trail of ice leading past the rose wall.

I look at Lucy, before walking past her and grabbing the torch in the wall. I walk in front of her lighting the way, before stopping.

Lucy walks past me, stepping in the steps and looking down at the familiar face that was now covered below the ice.

"Edmund.... we found her." Lucy whispers.

I nod, and stray tear falls from my eye.

"We did, Lu. We did."

Lucy looks back at me before glancing at the torch. "We should melt the ice."

I look up at her in slightly horror.

"She controls fire Edmund! She'll be fine!"

I sigh and nod, helping her get down next to me. I glance at her and she nods, turning back to YN, I slowly point the torch at the ice.

And the flame begins to spread.

The Phoenix Flower {Edmund Pevensie x reader}Where stories live. Discover now