4- The Battle

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🔱Edmund pov🔱

I stood next to Peter as we talked around the stone table. Lucy sat on top of the table and Stayed quiet as we spoke of how we were going to attack the Terlmarines castle.

"We can take them on, if we stick to the plan. With the Phoenix's help we can do much more damage than they can." Peter said.

Blaze scoffed and Peter turned towards him. "Something wrong?" Peter asked.

"Forgive me Your Majesty, but we won't be of much help as you think. Their castle is made of stone, not wood. And besides we only chose to help you because of King Edmunds union to Queen YN." Blaze states, while the two phonixes behind him nod.

Peter glares. "I am your King-"

"Peter stop." Susan interrupts.

Ruby then walks in and sighs.

"King Peter, while you are king, you were not the one who took care of us, and our kind. Only Queen YN did, and she is our Queen. We will not take orders from those we do not believe to be worthy of our loyalty. So listen to me when I say, if things go wrong, you will have lost the Phoenix's trust." Ruby stares while looming over Peter.

Peter clenched his jaw and nodded slowly.

A small breeze blew through the room, and I could have swore that I heard a voice whisper my name.

"We leave tonight. At sundown." Peter said, before leaving the room.

Everyone started to leave the room, and I sigh softly at Peter's stubbornness. I turn around, facing the carving of Aslan and YN.


I turn around, my hand resting on my sword.

"Who's there?!" I call out into the visibly empty room.

'Edmund~ find me~'

I freeze and clench my jaw.

"Show yourself!" I yell.

Suddenly the fire disappears from the oil, slowly leaving until the room is pitch black. I unsheath my sword and reach for my torch.

'Eddy, darling~ follow the light~'

I let out a shaky breath, the nickname shaking me to the core. She only called me that.

I release the torch, leaving it on my belt and looking up in the dark room.

"Show me." I whisper softly.

As if answering me, a small flicker of a flame appears, seemingly floating in mid-air. I swallow thickly and slowly follow it our of the room. I notice the torches were all blown out, leaving only the flame the only light.

I trail after the flame as it turns corner after corner, until it finally stops, and disappears.

"Wait, where did you go!" I call out.

I wait for a few minutes, before sighing and putting my sword back in its sheath. I grab my torch and turn it on, nearly blinding myself as it shines on my face. I point it away from myself and see that their was no corners to turn at, only one way in or out.

I scoff lightly and turn back to the wall in front of me, and squint as I notice words on the wall.

A Daughter of Eve, bearing the powers of the sun. She will make winter undo what has been done. Sitting upon her golden throne, her heart protected by the red thorned. A son of Adam, brave and just, shall gain her trust. A red petal shall fall, and the Phoenix will rest until the sun has broken the dawn of a new age.

What does this mean?A untold prophecy? Who is it-

My eyes widen and I take a step back.

"YN." I whisper.

'Yes Eddy, it was always ment to happen like this. There was no way that it wouldn't happen.'

I swirl around and felt my heart stop as I see a blue glowing light. And slowly the light becomes bigger, but not any brighter. Tears begin to coat my eyes as it begins to take shape and it takes my breath away.

"YN. How-"

She shakes her head, smiling before walking towards me.

"Eddy, this is only temporary. It won't last long, so you need to listen to me carefully. In the prophecy, there's a clue to where I am, a very vague clue, but a clue none the less. I miss you Edmund, so please, hurry up and find me as soon as you get back. And tell Peter that he needs to get his head out of his arse before someone gets seriously hurt from his stupidity."

I chuckle lightly and nod, tears falling down my cheek.

" I miss you too Love. I promise I'll find you the moment I'm back, and I won't leave without you either. I love you." I whisper.

She smiles and nods. "I love you too Darling. Now, go. They'll be looking for you now."

I nod, wiping my tears away with my hand.

"See you soon Love." I whisper, as she slowly dims, before disappearing fully. Leaving me standing in an empty hall.

- No one's pov-

The small army of Narnians marched towards the Telmarainens castle. Edmund told only one person of his encounter with his wife, but only because no one else  would believe him. No one other than Lucy.

Lucy stayed, searching the how for the prophecy, and once she found that. She searched for clues of where her long lost sister-in-law was.

Only to sadly come up with nothing.

As the battle began, slowly they began to realise that something was wrong. Something hadn't gone according to plan. Lives were lost, and slowly hope was losing its battle. To say that if someone didn't do that, that it would have gone according to plan. But it takes two to tango.

And things were only just begining.

The Phoenix Flower {Edmund Pevensie x reader}Where stories live. Discover now