6- Reuniting

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🔱Edmund pov🔱

I watched the flames rise higher and higher, then ice melting faster. Me and Lucy took a step back, wincing from the intense heat.

I looked down at her, watching as the flames started to burn the flowers. The flames hipnotizing me as they melt everything but her.

She was the only think the flames didn't touch. She was left unscathed.

The flames began to die out, and once they did, the torch was the only thing left keeping the room alight.

I handed Lucy the torch and walked to the side of YN. Her face was pale almost like she wasn't alive, but I knew she had to be. She had to be alive.

"Kiss her Edmund! That'll wake her up!" Lucy yelled happily.

I glance at her confused before nodding and turning back to YN. I felt the blood seeping into my cheeks as I sat next to her. I grasped her hand, which was barely warm, and interlocked our fingers. I slowly leaned over her, glancing at her pale lips, before closing my eyes and kissing her.

They were just as soft as I remember, may be softer. I couldn't tell, and I began to pull away when I felt her lips move against mine.

My eyes shot open and I saw her green eyes glimmering with tears. I close my eyes, and kiss her fiercely as my eyes begin to water.

I pull back and smile down at her, laughing heartily.

"Your back." I whisper.

She smiles and nods. "Of course I am, I couldn't just let you face this alone. But this time I'll be leaving with you."

I smile widely and pull her into a hug as my emotions boils over. I blink away the tears, and just hold her.

"I missed you." I whisper.

I felt her smile against my neck. "I miss you aswell."

I sigh happily and we pull apart as Lucy says, "YN! Your alive!"

YN laughs and nods. "Of course I am! Aslan only put me to sleep, not to death!"

Lucy rushes over, pushing the torch into my hand, and hugging YN.

I roll my eyes with a smile. "Excuse me, I believe that my wife your hugging."

Lucy sticks her tongue out at me and YN laughs.

🔥Your pov🔥

I was walking down the corridor next to my husband and my sister-in-law. Turns out when I woke up, the fire basicly burned away my adult form and left me in my kid form. I'm not sure if that's what exactly happened, but all I know is that I'm now similar to the Pevensie's.

Young with a mind of a 20 to 30 year old.

Thankfully my clothes shrunk with me.

Edmund and Lucy have told me everything that happened, both in real life and in Narnia.

And I was shocked to hear that Abe had come to find me! And that it had been centuries since the golden age.

But never mind that, I was happy to be awake again. And happy that they were back with me.

We headed towards the stone table room and smiled as I saw Susan and Peter with their backs to me. They were obviously arguing about something, and couldn't help but chuckle.

The other man in the room, who I figured out was Prince Caspian, turned towards me and gasped in shock.

Peter and Susan looked at him, before turning around.

"YN!? Is that really you?!" Peter asked.

I nod.

"Honestly Peter, I don't think anyone else could be me."

He and Susan chuckle before rushing over and hugging me, suffocating me.

I pat their backs, and they thankfully back away.

"When did you- how did you-"

I roll my eyes at Peter's stuttering, and stop him.

"Simple, Edmund and Lucy melted the ice and I woke up." I reply.

Peter and Susan nod, and I turn towards Caspain. I gently brush past Susan and Peter and walk towards him. His eyes widen and he quickly, and not so gracefully, bows down.

"Your Majesty." I heard him say.

"Rise you fool, there is no need for stupid tradition." I tell him.

He looks up at me confused before standing up. He was a few inches taller than me, but that doesn't matter, Lucy's smaller than me anyways.

"You must be Prince Caspian."

He nods.

"Well, I want to thank you for helping us. And welcome to the family." I smile widely.

His eyes widen in confusion and shock.

"Welcome him to the family? YN, I don't know where your minds been but he almost killed-"

I turn around sharply and glare at Peter, causing him to fall silent.

"Peter, shut up. You may be High King, but you forget that I am the High Queen. And that I have the ability to burn your royal behind fast than you could say Aslan!" I yell.

He steps back, only slightly, but I noticed.

"I may have been asleep, but my god you have been a massive prick! You haven't made any wise decisions since you stepped back on Narnia lands! I have been sitting here for years waiting for your return, but when you do return, your acting like a bloody brat! Now I don't give a fly rats arse about our past royalty, or who should be king or not. But both of you should know better than to fight when we have a common enemy! Especially you Peter!" I yell, back and forth between Caspian and Peter.

They were both looking at the ground like kids being told off by there parents, and couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty.

"Boys, this is war. There is no time for petty fighting over something that will be solved by another after the battle. And I only ask you this once, get over it. The past is in the past and nothing will change it." I whisper.

I study them as they obviously think about what I had said, before nodding.

I smile. "Now shake hands and apologize."

They stare at me before sighing and walking forward.

"I'm sorry for .... being a prat." Peter says, while shaking Caspian's hand.

"And I apologize for being a brat, whatever that means." Caspian jokes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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