3- The Phoenix

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🛡Prince Caspian🛡

We had traveled all night to reach Aslan's How, where the stone table lies. It was littered with vines and a few roses.

I walked down the hall and looked at the markings on the wall. It told the stories of the Kings and Queens of the Golden age. About there battle and everything that came after that. I let out a sigh before I turn towards the Stone Table.

It was broken, shattered from when Aslan sacrificed himself for King Edmund. I hear Reepicheep hum to himself, and I turn towards him.

He was looking up at the carvings in the wall. He was looking at what seemed to be Aslan with Queen YN. She was standing next to him with her hand on his mane, and her hand holding a flame. I inhale sharply as I hear a loud screech echos through the halls. I turn around and stand frozen as a large red bird stands in front of me.

On fire. A phoenix.

"Who are you, and why are you in here?" The Phoenix asks.

I look at Reepicheep and shake my head at him. He puts away his sword and I turn back to the Phoenix.

"I am Prince Caspian, the rightful heir to the Narnian throne." I state slowly.

The Phoenix glares at me, making the fire rise a little. "You are not the rightful ruler of the Narnians. Only the Kings and Queens of old are the rightful rulers. And our Queen is going to take the throne back before you can have it you filthy-"

"Blaze, that's enough." A female voice says.

Blaze, immediately extinguishs his flames and turns around. I look over him and notice a older Phoenix standing in the doorway. Behind her were a handful of phoenix's and griffins.


"No, Blaze. Prince Caspian is innocent, and no harm must come to him. I apologize for my son's behavior, I am Ruby." She says stepping closer.

She bows at me, and my eyes widen.

"Are you the one who-"

She shakes her head. "No, I am her granddaughter. Phoenix live a long life, but we aren't immortal like some think we are."

I nod and Reepicheep climbs to the top of the stone table, and stands in front of her.

"May I ask, are the rumors true?" He questions.

Ruby tilts her head slightly before nodding. "Queen YN is in Narnia, and she has been since Golden age."

"But, do you know-"

"Yes. We know where she is, but the room where she sleeps is hidden from us. We do not remember where she lays now, but only that she is here." Ruby interrupts.

Silence fills the air and I look at Reepicheep. "She's here? In the how?" I ask.

Blaze and Ruby nod. "Yes your Majasty. "

~Time skip~

-No one's pov-

Swords collide as Peter and Caspain fight each other, not knowing who they were fighting.

"Peter Stop!"

Peter and Caspian stop, but keep there swords pointing at the other. Caspian glances at the hilt of Peter sword and notices the golden lion.

"King Peter? Your younger than I thought you were." Caspian said.

"We could leave and come back if you like-"

"No no no. I just ment that your not what I-    expected." He finished as he met Susan's eyes.

"Neither are you." Peter said.

🔱Edmund pov🔱

The walk to the how wasn't long, but my thoughts of possibly seeing YN again took up my mind. Everything was on her, and it was hard considering how long we've been apart. My heart aches wondering if she hated me for leaving her, or if she even remembered me!

We look up at the how, memories flooding my brain of our last time in Narnia. My eyes drift to a dark red phoenix that was on top of the how. Behind it was 6 other phoenix's.

But the sight made my heart hurt. They were all wearing the special armor that YN had made for the phoenix's.

We start walking forward and the Narnians raise their swords as we pass by. We held our heads high as we walked into the how.

"King Edmund?"

I turned around and noticed that it was the Phoenix from the top of the how.


"My name's Ruby, granddaughter of the Ruby Queen YN rode in the battle with the Witch." She said.

I nodded, slightly confused to what she was going to say.

"I am the leader of the Phoenix's, but Queen YN is our Queen. Since you are married to her, us phoenix are willing to join the battle if you lead us."

I was shocked.

I slowly nodded. "Of course."

She smiled slightly and bowed. "Thank you your Majasty."

She started to walk away, but I stopped her. "Can you tell me where my wife is?" I ask.

She looks at me before sighing. "She's is alive your Majasty but when you had left, Aslan put her into a deep sleep. Everyone mourned her like she was gone, and slowly everyone went into hiding and stopped coming altogether. You Majesty, your wife is within this how, but her room us just hidden and forgotten. Not even us phoenix's know where her room is anymore."

I felt my heart lift before sinking down into my gut. They didn't know where she was.

I nod and she walks away. I glare at the floor before I turn and walk down the hall. The fire illuminates the walls and I stop to look at the carvings.

I turn and walk towards the wall, crouching down and looking at the carving of me and YN's wedding. Even in a wall they still managed to get the detail of her dress in. I place my hand on her and closed my eyes as I feel them tear up.

I slowly let my knees touch the cold rock floor as I rest my head against the wall. The tears already streaming down my face as I bit my lip to stop my screams and cries of sorrow from coming out.

The pain was to great, and I needed her with me. I need her with me, or else I'm not complete.

The Phoenix Flower {Edmund Pevensie x reader}Where stories live. Discover now