Tendou Satori

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Details: Father! Tendou x Mother! Reader

Children: Twins (One Girl and One Boy) about 6-years-old

Key: (D/N) = Daughter's Name, (S/N) = Son's Name

(Y/N) woke up to the sound of her two children screaming. Worried, she jumped out of bed and ran to the source. (Y/N) assumed that they were fighting over a toy or arguing, but it turned out to be way worse.

When she entered the scene, she saw her husband holding their son by the ankles and dangling him the air while their daughter was tickling him.

(Y/N): What are you doing?!?

(D/N): (S/N) ate my snacks! This is punishment!


Tendou: Don't worry, (Y/N). Nothing bad is going to happ-

Before Tendou could even finish that sentence, he dropped (S/N) on the floor.

Tendou: Oops.


Tendou was about to pick up (S/N) and check for injuries, but then (S/N) got up and ran towards his mother.


(D/N): It's not daddy's fault that you're so fat.

(Y/N): (D/N)! Don't say those kinds of things.

(Y/N) then picked up (S/N) and checked his body for any injuries. Luckily, there weren't any.

(S/N): Can I hang out with you today, mommy?

(Y/N): Of course. How about we go to the park together and then have lunch?

(S/N): Okay!

(Y/N): Why don't you start getting ready and we will leave in a little bit, sound like a plan?

(S/N) nodded and then ran into his room to start getting ready.

Tendou: Oooo, the park sounds fun! What do you think (D/N)?

(Y/N): You guys are not coming.

Tendou and (D/N): WHAT!?!

(Y/N): Don't act all surprised. You know what you did was wrong.

Tendou: Don't take it out on me, it was (D/N)'s idea.

(D/N): LIAR!

(Y/N) shook her head and rubbed her eyes before looking at the two idiots in front of her.

(Y/N): (S/N) and I are going to have a fun day together, and you guys are going to stay home.

Tendou and (D/N): No we are not!

(Y/N): Excuse me?!?

Tendou and (D/N): Nothing!

(Y/N) walked out of the room and started to get ready for the day. Once both (Y/N) and (S/N) were ready, they headed out the door.

(Y/N): We're leaving. We'll be back later.

No answer.

(Y/N): Hello?

(Y/N) walked up to Tendou and (D/N).

(Y/N): No goodbye?

Tendou and (D/N) glanced at (Y/N), and then walked out of the room.

(Y/N): I guess they're ignoring me. They'll get over it.

For the rest of the day, (Y/N) and (S/N) had a fun time together. They hung out in the park for a couple of hours, went to a cat café for lunch, and then had desert at an ice cream shop.

(Y/N) did feel a little guilty for making Tendou and (D/N) stay home. So, she decided to buy both of them a snack before her and (S/N) went back home. Fortunate for (Y/N), the ice cream shop also sold Pocky.

She would have bought them ice cream, but she doubted that the ice cream would have survived the trip home.

(Y/N): We're home!

Before (Y/N) went to Tendou and (D/N), she carried (S/N) to his room because he was extremely exhausted from today's activities.

Once she was done, she made her way to Tendou and (D/N).

She found them hanging out in the living room watching a movie. Specifically, Spirited Away.

(Y/N): Why didn't you welcome us home?

No answer.

(Y/N): Are you stilling ignoring me?

No answer.

(Y/N): Well, I got you guys Pocky....

They immediately turned to you.

(Y/N): If you want the Pocky, you have to start talking to me.

(D/N): Okay mommy!

(D/N) quickly ran up to (Y/N) and gave her a big hug and then a kiss on the cheek.

(D/N): Can I have my Pocky now?

(Y/N): Yes, you can.

(Y/N) handed (D/N) the Pocky and (D/N) snatched it and ran to her room to eat it. (Y/N) then turned to Tendou.

(Y/N): What about you?

Tendou stared at (Y/N) and then turned all his attention back to the movie.

(Y/N): Tendouuuuuuuu.

(Y/N) walked up to him and started to wave her hand in front of him.

(Y/N): Don't ignore meeeeeee.

Since he was still not responding, (Y/N) decided to sit on his lap and kiss him on the lips. At first, he didn't kiss back. But, (Y/N) wasn't going to pull away until he kissed back so he eventually caved in.

(Y/N) cupped his face and then stared into his eyes.

(Y/N): I'm sorry for leaving you home today...Can you forgive me?

Tendou: You hurt my feelings, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I'm sorrryyyyyy. You know I love you more than anybody in this entire world!

Tendou: Really?

(Y/N): I love you so much!

(Y/N) then leaned in to kiss Tendou.

Tendou: I love you too.

(Y/N) and Tendou then cuddled and watched movies together for the rest of the night.

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