Akaashi Keiji

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Recently, the boys' volleyball team at Fukurōdani Academy have been practicing non-stop before and after school. This is because they made it to Nationals this year and want to be able to beat every other team there. Everyone in school was excited for the upcoming volleyball tournament because they knew that the volleyball team was strong and capable of winning.

However, there was one person who wasn't as excited as everyone else about this. And this person was (Y/N). The reason why is because the non-stop practicing made it difficult for her and her boyfriend, Akaashi, to spend time together.

They used to be able to hang out with eachother on the weekends, go to shops, eat out at restaurants, and etc. But now Akaashi is always at the gym practicing while (Y/N) just hangs out at home watching anime.

Another reason why she is not excited about the volleyball tournament is because she constantly hears other girls from different grades talking about how hot her boyfriend was and saying some inappropriate things that they would do to him. Even though almost everyone in school knew that (Y/N) and Akaashi have been dating since their first year of high school.

Originally, (Y/N) planned on not voicing her concerns to Akaashi because she didn't want to be labeled as a "needy" girlfriend and she knew how important this upcoming event was for him.

But one day, she heard a group of girls in the hallway talking about how they were going to go to the boys' volleyball practice after school to watch Akaashi and she just lost it.

She decided that she was going to go to the practice and remind everyone that Akaashi was her's and to get him to spend more time with her.

At The Boy's Volleyball Practice

(Y/N) got to the gym right after the final bell rang. She was a little nervous because she wasn't sure what she was going to do. She really didn't plan anything out.

Once she mentally prepared herself, she entered the gym. Since she got to the gym right after the bell rang, the only people there were the coach, managers, Akaashi, and Konoha.

Konoha: Hey (Y/N). Funny see you here.

Everyone turned to (Y/N) with a surprised look.

The reason why is because she never came to volleyball practice before since she claims that she gets bored too easily just watching them.

(Y/N): Hello. I just decided to hangout here because I had the time.

Konoha: Cool. If you want, you can help us set up.

(Y/N): Sure!

(Y/N) walked over to everyone and started to put up the volleyball net with Akaashi.

Akaashi: (Y/N).

(Y/N): Yes?

Akaashi: I'm happy that you're here.

(Y/N): Umm, it's no problem.

(Y/N) turned from Akaashi to hide her blushing face, but Akaashi already saw and just smiled to himself.

After (Y/N) and everyone else finished setting up, the rest of the volleyball players and the group of girls (Y/N) from before entered the gym. When she saw those girls come in, her face immediately soured.

Bokuto: Hey, hey, hey (Y/N)! What's up with your face?

(Y/N): Huh? Nothing!

(Y/N) quickly covered her face.

Akaashi: Is everything alright?

(Y/N): Yep! Of course! Why don't you guys start playing and I'll watch from the sidelines?

Bokuto: Sounds like a plan!

Throughout the whole time the boys were practicing, (Y/N) kept on glaring at the girls sitting beside her on the bleachers because she could hear them swooning over Akaashi.

(Y/N): Why are they even here? Don't they know that me and Akaashi are thing? I'm so over this.

After Volleyball Practice

(Y/N) momentarily stopped glaring at the girls because Bokuto wanted to brag to her about how amazing he was and if she saw all of his spikes. Of course, (Y/N) just smiled and nodded because she didn't want him to get into his emo mode.

Bokuto: Hey, why are those girls surrounding Akaashi?

(Y/N) turned around and saw all of the girls swarming Akaashi and trying to flirt with him. (Y/N) was beyond annoyed and decided to march over there.

Girl #1: Wow Akaashi! You're such an amazing volleyball player!

Girl #2: We should all grab a drink afterwards! How does that sound?

Girl #3: Hey Akaashi, what's your phone num-

(Y/N): Hey! Can you not surround my boyfriend?

All the girls: BOYFRIEND?

Girl #1: How could he be dating someone like her?

Girl #3: She's not even that pretty.

Girl #2: Akaashi, why don't you forget about her and hangout with us?

Before (Y/N) could respond to those girls, Akaashi spoke up.

Akaashi: Please don't talk about my girlfriend like that.

Girl #1: Bu-

Akaashi glared at all of the girls.

Akaashi: It's time for you to leave.

This response made all the girls scared and they quickly ran out of the gym.

(Y/N): Wow, you looked really scary Akaashi.

Akaashi: I can't stand people like them. Plus, I could tell that you didn't really like them either.

(Y/N): I was that obvious, huh?

Akaashi nodded.

(Y/N): Well, do you want to walk home together?

Akaashi smiled at (Y/N).

Akaashi: I do.

On The Walk Home

Akaashi: I feel like I haven't been able to spend a lot of time with you for awhile.

(Y/N): I feel the same way. But, I don't want to get in the way of your volleyball practice. It's very important to you.

Akaashi: You're more important to me.

Akaashi stopped walking and looked (Y/N).

Akaashi: I don't mind taking a break from practice if it means I can be with you.

(Y/N): But, the volleyball tournament is coming up and I don-

Akaashi cupped (Y/N)'s cheeks and kissed her on the lips.

Akaashi: Like I said, I don't mind.

(Y/N): Umm..Uhh.

(Y/N) was at a loss for words because Akaashi has never really acted like this before. Especially in public.

Akaashi: Can I hang out at your place tonight?

(Y/N): Umm, sure. But my parents aren't home.

Akaashi: That means that we have the whole house to ourselves.

Akaashi smirked at (Y/N).

(Y/N): Can you stop saying these things. I'm blushing like crazy.

Akaashi laughed and then held (Y/N)'s hand.

Akaashi: No.

They continue their walk to (Y/N)'s house and spent the rest of the night together.

Right before (Y/N) was about to fall asleep, Akaashi kissed her on the lips.

Akaashi: I love you.

(Y/N): I love you too.

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