Unfortunately we have to save him

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Evie and myself follow the warden to the balcony were he says "No women allowed" I pulled out a pistol and held it at his head then walk on after proving my point with Evie close behind, she sits down next to the pig as I stand at the edge. The man looks up and locks eyes with me with a glimmer of hope in them.

Evie starts trying to bargain with him as I watch the man discreetly playing with one of my knives until the pig of a man put his hands on my sister I turned round and held my knife to his throat as Evie shoved his hand of, the prisoners laugh and he calls for the hangman to carry on. In one last attempt to save his life I tell him "he knows the location of Hamunaptra and we will give you 25% of what we find deal?" "You're telling me that rat knows the location of Hamunaptra?" The boards drop from his feet but his neck didn't break we can still save him yet "Yes and don't you dare call me a lair so do we have a deal?" Groaning he agrees but before he can give the order to cut him down I unseth my knife once more and throw it hitting the rope and cutting dropping the man to the ground. Everyone turns and stares at me as I shout "I better get my knife back or there will be trouble." Then I walk away.

Giza Port

After a lot and I mean a lot of persuasion I finally agreed to go with my brother and sister even after I told them about me going there before. We stood waiting for Rick O'Connell the man we saved. "Do you really think he will show up?" Evie asks before she continues "personally I think he's rude, filthy, a complete scoundrel and a lair!" " I like him he has my humor and besides could he really be that bad. He will show up it's a matter of time..." "Yeah I know the type but he will keep his word" Jonathan cuts in interrupting me, I look at him suspiciously " And how exactly do you know his type Jonathan?" "Anyone I know?" we turn round at the sound of Rick O'Connell voice. He stood there with a clean shave, new clothes, and tamed hair, he looked handsome. "You clean up well O'Connell" I said smirking as Evie stood there as if she had been slapped by a fish. Jonathan soon walked over to him and put his arm around him. "No hard feelings about the" and then Rick mimicked punching him. "No not at all happens all the time." Jonathan replied walking back over to me and Evie and Rick started checking his pockets I wasn't surprised. "I'd never steal from a partner, partner." "Oh yeah Jonathan what about that time were you stole my money.?" I said and Jonathan looked down.

"I believe this is yours." He said handing me my knife from the prison. "Here let me get your bags" Rick said and lifted Evie and my bags walking on board. "What are you doing here ?" Jonathan questions and when I turn round I see the warden. "Protecting my investment" he walked past us and on the boat. My dear siblings walked on and I followed in suit hearing Jonathan say "yeah there nothing to like there at all Evie." chuckling I smiled.

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